Solar Eclipse When seen from Earth, a solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. This makes the Moon fully or partially cover the sun. Solar eclipses can only happen during a new moon. Every year about two solar eclipses occur. Sometimes there are even five solar eclipses in a year. However, only two of these can be total solar eclipses, and they are quite uncommon. There are four different types of solar eclipses: 1.A total eclipse is when the Sun is completely hidden behind the Moon. The dark shadow of the Moon covers the very bright surface of the Sun. This makes the corona easier to see. 2.An annular eclipse is when the Sun is directly behind the moon, but it looks like the Moon is smaller. This makes the Sun appear as a very bright ring or annulus around the shape of the Moon. 3.A hybrid eclipse (also called annular/total eclipse) is when it looks like a total eclipse in some parts of the Earth, and an annular eclipse in other parts. Hybrid eclipses do not happen as often as other eclipses. 4.A partial eclipse is when the moon is not exactly between the Sun and Earth, so it does not hide the Sun completely. This can usually be seen from a large part of the Earth. The Sun's distance from the Earth is about 400 times the Moon's distance, and the Sun's diameter is about 400 times as big as the Moon's. This is why the Sun and Moon seem to be about the same size from Earth.
Lunar Eclipses A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth lies directly between the Sun and the Moon. The Earth casts a shadow on the Moon, and we do not see the light reflected by the Moon. The shadow of the Earth consists of two parts: a central umbra, and a surrounding penumbra. The umbra blocks sunlight completely, while penumbra blocks sunlight only partially. The umbral shadow darkens more than penumbral shadow. As a result, there are three types of lunar eclipses. 1. Total Lunar Eclipse - Total lunar eclipse happens when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are perfectly aligned. The Moon comes into the umbra shadow of the Earth. This is the most visible lunar eclipse. The Moon becomes dark and red during totality. It appears red because the Earth’s atmosphere bends the red bend of the sunlight toward the Moon. 2. Partial Lunar Eclipse - Partial lunar eclipse happens when the part of the full Moon comes into the umbral area. 3. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse - Penumbral lunar eclipse happens when the Moon passes through penumbral shadow only.
Phases of the Moon
Phases of the Oreo (Moon)