Ancillary/Complementary detectors for the AD at LNL.


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Presentation transcript:

Ancillary/Complementary detectors for the AD at LNL

Overview The magnetic spectrometer PRISMA The heavy-ion detector DANTE The multiplicity filter HELENA

The PRISMA spectrometer Formed by a Quadrupole, a Dipole and heavy ion detectors (MCP, MWPPAC, IC) to track the ions. Identifies the nuclei produced in the reaction (A,Z,β) Spettrometro PRISMA

Optical elements ● Quadrupole: a singlet, focuses vertically the ions towards the dispersion plane ● Dipole: bends horizontally the ions with respect to their magnetic rigidity (Br)

PRISMA detectors ● Entrance Position position x s - y s, time ● Focal Plane Position position x f - y f, time ● Ionization Chambers energy loss, total energy Physical Event: (x s, y s, x f, y f, TOF, ∆E, E)

ΔΩ = 80 msr ΔZ/Z  1/60 (Measured) ΔA/A  1/190 (Measured) Energy acceptance ±20% Bρ = 1.2 T.m 6m (TOF) QuadrupoleDipole MWPPAC IC Angular range 0 o o Start detector E-ΔE X-Y, time The CLARA-PRISMA setup

The DANTE array DANTE (heavy ion detector based on MCP) reveals the position interaction (position resolution 1mm) of the recoils  Doppler correction. DANTE placed at the grazing angle for binary reactions  γ-γ coincidences CLARA Beam 74° 26° Grazing angle PRISMA Beam Detector Array for multi Nucleon Transfer Ejectiles MCP (50x70mm) detectors

DANTE in the RC of CLARA

Performance of DANTE Need of a kinematical coincidence Reaction: 64 Ni on 238 U at 440 MeV, Θ grazing =73 o No possible kinematic coincidence ( 238 U → fissions). As a consequence there is a large background

Performance of DANTE Statistics gamma-gamma Reaction: 70 Zn on 238 U at 460 MeV, Θ grazing =64 o Statistics Energy resolution 1.2% A. Gottardo, Tesi di Laurea, Universita di Padova Energy resolution 0.9%

DANTE-CLARA Simulations Simulations made with GEANT4 using Enrico’s code for the CLARA array Velocity distribution of the recoils, DANTE does not measure the velocity. An average velocity of 8% which presents Δβ = 20% gives an E RESOLUTION =2.0% Velocities measured event-by-event with PRISMA Inelastic channel

DANTE for the AGATA Demonstrator New delay line made with components DANTE in the new reaction chamber of AD Milano - LNL Versatility of DANTE, different configurations Padova-LNL

The ancillary DANTE Detector array for multi-nucleon transfer ejectiles Ring for DANTE built in Al Low γ absorption PRISMA Beam dump INFN-Milano-LNL B.Million, S. Coelli, A. Gadea

The DANTE array Versatility of DANTE Use of different configurations depending on the Grazing angle of the reaction 26 o 42 o 58 o 90 o 74 o

The ancillary HELENA Multiplicity filter Helena: 35 hexagonal BaF2 3”x3” detectors Five ensemble of 7 detectors arranged as a honeycomb Total solid angle: 57% of 4π (15 cm from target) Total efficiency: 35% INFN-Milano

The ancillary HELENA Multiplicity filter: Performance High MultiplicityLow Multiplicity M γ =30M γ =5

PRISMA ancillary detector for AD provides (A,Z,β) DANTE ancillary detector for AD provides position interaction and average β → Doppler correction. HELENA ancillary detector for the AD provides the multiplicity of the event. Summary & Conclusions

The DANTE detectors Linea di ritardo Lateral section Thickness:13mm Delay line MCP Mylar Preamplifier in vacuum Configuration of a single detector

Test done with an α source Time resolution 130ps (TAC-ADC) Position resolution <1mm High counting rate High noise rejection Test of the DANTE detectors TOFX coordinate Y coordinateAmplitude