Social 20-1: Nation & Nationalism Ch. 1 To what extent do understandings of nation and nationalism vary? Ch.2 To what extent to expressions of nationalism create a sense of nation?
Getting a few things straight What is the difference between a developing country and a developed country? Economists now use terms such as “developing country” to describe countries whose economies are not as strong as the wealthy democracies of North America and Europe. The terms global North & global South are also used.
Nation What is a nation? Write down what you think it is… Share Class Definition
Nation Nation is not always related to physical borders or government. Nation refers to a group of people who share a sense of belonging together. Nation is not always related to physical borders or government. Nation refers to a group of people who share a sense of belonging together. A nation state is a country, a distinct physical territory with a government! A nation state is a country, a distinct physical territory with a government!
Nationalism What is it? Write down what you think it is… Share Class Definition
Nationalism This is something we will spend all semester defining! There is no one answer… For now…”striving for a feeling of togetherness as a NATION”
Questions we are going to look at! How do nation and nationalism impact your identity? Should we allow nationalism to impact ourselves and our society? Should we sometimes prevent nationalism from impacting us?
Individual Identity and Nationalism Heritage Research Heritage Research
Nation as Us When was Canada created? When was Canada as a Nation created? Bw Bw Stephen Harper “… every nation has a creation story to tell, Vimmy Ridge was the point at which Canadians began to feel they belonged together as a people...”
Cree Creation Story When light first came to the earth, O-ma-ma-ma the earth mother of the Cree people gave birth to the spirits of the world. The first born was Binay-sih, the thunderbird who protects the animals from the sea serpent, Genay-big. Thunderbirds shout out their unhappiness or anger with black clouds, rain and fire flashes in the sky. The second born was Ina-kaki, the lowly frog who heightens the sorcerer's powers and helps to control the insects in the world. The third born was the trickster Wee-sa-hay-jac, who can change himself into many forms or shapes to protect himself. The fourth child was Ma-heegun, Wee-sa-hay-jac's little wolf brother. They travel together with Wee-sa-hay-jac on his back. The fifth born was Amik the beaver, who is greatly respected because he is an unfortunate human from a different world. Fish, rocks, grasses, and trees all came from the womb of the great earth mother O-ma-ma-ma. The earth was inhabited a long time by only animals and spirits because Wee-sa-hay-jac had not yet made any people.
Shared Experiences Language(s)/communication Ethnic background and ancestry Culture Geography Spiritual or religious beliefs Politics and citizenship History
Language Language helps create a shared worldview! Language influences how we see the world, it creates a universe. Language allows us to pass on culture to our children that is specific to the language we speak.
Francophone An example of a linguistic nation? Quebec! French is language of over 80% of the province Quebecers identities are mostly connected to their French Language Their culture and history are connected to their language They are the French Nation French Nationalism centres on the language Immigrants…
Quebec as a Nation Stephen Harper (Government of Canada) officially recognized Quebec as a nation within Canada!
Ethnicity Many Nations come into being because people share the same ETHNIC background. Ethnicity (race, culture, language) There are many nations within Edmonton: Ukrainian, Japanese, Chinese etc.
Cultural values The way of life a group of people share. Many First Nation communities have a nation based on their culture. The culture of the Haida in BC is different from the Cree of the plains. They have different Nations!
Religious Many nations form because of their spiritual and religious beliefs. Jewish Community- has spread all over the world, but they have a strong sense of nationalism! Their national identity is held up by their religion…
Geography The physical space a people live on may define their nation! Tibet Their culture grew in the mountains for thousands of years now they are connected to that land.
Geography ctd. Land can influence a nation in a far deeper way than just geography. Different lands mean different things. “ Our sacred sites are places where significant things happened tour ancestors. This is where the ancient stories took place; These sites are uniquely important to us. They tell us that our ancient stories are true. They tell us that we belong to this place in a way that no other human being can. ”
Spirituality A peoples connection with land may also involve spiritual connections. Jews, Christians and Muslims are all connected to Jerusalem! They all have sacred temples built on the land that connects them to the land.
Citizenship Many believe a group of people are only a nation if they have their own government. Self Determination: power to control your own affairs… Sovereignty: political authority over yourself… Did FNs have self determination before Europeans arrived?
Country and Nation Nation State means… Country International means… Between countries Nationalism means… Striving for a feeling of belonging and a sense of identity shared by people in a Nation!
Country and Nation Some people believe country and nation are not the same. A group of people with a clear sense of belonging and a desire to control their own destiny. Canada is a nation state, with borders and a government that makes laws etc. Canada is a nation, people share many values and beliefs and the feeling that they belong to together.
Country and Nation Do you think of Canada as just a country? Do you think of Canada as a nation as well? How do you think of your community? As a nation? Country?
Collective Identity and Nation In most groups there must be some form of collective identity (religion, language, school, occupation). People in groups will use language like “ us, we, and our ”. Not all groups are nations, but collective identity is a part of all nations…
Collective Identity What do you think defines Canada ’ s collective identity?
Us and them Using words like us and we will often lead to using words like “ them and they ”. What do you think about using this kind of language? What can this kind of language lead too?
Patriotism What is it? It is an expression of love for one’s country or nation! Patriotism is expressed in different ways… How do you think it is expressed? How do you express your patriotism? Discuss Would you die for your country? Why or why not? Would you die for your nation? Why or Why not? How do you express patriotism, if at all?
Understandings of Nationalism What are some ways we could organize ourselves into different nations? Without borders, government, or a country how can Nations be organized?
You work now! Which definition nation is the best? UnderstandingPeople who it is important to My rating of importance (1to5) Language Culture What are the two most important to you? Why do you think they are the most important?
Assignment Create a mindmap with yourself at the centre. Organize ideas in your bubbles around this centre. Use size colour, and shape to highlight the understandings of nation that are most important to you! From what we have talked about nationalism so far, what makes up your sense of nationalism?
What kind of Nation is Canada? Test Canada against the 7 types of Nation? Canada might not fit any of those definitions of a Nation… Canada is a CIVIC NATION Civic: refers to citizens Civic (citizens) and Nation (shared values and beliefs) Civic nation is when citizens choose to live together according to shared laws
Civic Nationalism Have different languages, culture, religion, geography etc. But all of these people are equal citizens to agree to live by the same rules.
Nation State and Nation What is a nation state? Nation-state is a country. Countries are most often classified as having civic nationalism. What is a nation? Nation ’ s are most often described as having ethnic nationalism.
People agree to live by Shared laws Mutual respect for laws Helps people to live together Peacefully
Most Civic Nations have… Constitution Legal document that lays out the basic rules that a society is built upon!. Outlines the rights and responsibilities of all citizens.
Civic and Ethnic Ethnic Nationalism Pre-existing characteristics or traditions lead to a shared sense of nation. The people may then create a nation state if they choose live together with others who share their sense of nation. Civic Nationalism A group of peoples who choose to live together in a nation state according to shared values and beliefs. The characteristics of the nation evolve over time, as common beliefs enable people to live together.
Writy McWriterson Think about a Civic Nation… Which come first, the nation-state or the nation? Can they exist at the same time? Use Canada and other Nation-States to support your answer!
How do you express your national identity? Mr R, draw your chart! Aspects of individual identity Aspects of collective identity Aspects of national identity
Evolution of National Identity People share common beliefs and values and then begin to think of themselves as nation. Diverse group of people living together under the same laws and government. Then begin to think of themselves as a nation over a long period of time.
National Myths and Nationalism Myths and stories are very important to a civic nation! Myths and stories are very important to a civic nation! They help a diverse group of people share a sense of identity. They help a diverse group of people share a sense of identity. What are some myths of Canadian identity? What are some myths of Canadian identity? We are funny! We are funny!
What about Hockey? feature=related feature=related
Canadians as a “ hardy ” people Joe Mufferaw A Canadien logger who worked the Ottawa river Stories of strength grew over the years Became a symbol for the strong hardyness of the Canadian people