Introduction Md.Altaf Hossain Sr. Asst.Teacher English Vargaon Nesariya Dakhil madrasah Sonargaon, Narayangonj Cell Class- Nine S ub.-English 1 st paper Date Time-45minutes
Journey by bus Journey by train
My roots My village(Birthplace)
Learning outcomes: After this lesson ss will be able to talk about some vocvularies. participate in conversation and debates. exchange personal information. write a letter about their village & a occasion.
Vocabulary Hazard- Roots- risk/danger Starting point Desire- want something very much
Tradition- Surrounding- Responsibility- culture all around Duty to deal with
1.Silent reading the text:- 2.Pair work:-ss exchange one another about last visiting village. 3.ss make two groups, one group will write advantages of village and other group write disadvantages.
Compitision for unseen cause Desire train ticket Destination Returning people in bus stand
Edul fitreEdul adha Eid card
Happy eid day Hindu occasion
Evaluation Answering following questions:- 1.What are our roots? 2.How many religious people do you know? 3.What are the main religious occasion in Bangladesh? 4. Are roots important for us? If yes/not ? why?
Write a letter to your friend about your roots and it`s importants in our life?
We should all love our village