Carol Wick, Chief Executive Officer Presentation to the Domestic Violence Commission
Community Progress in Addressing Domestic Abuse: DV Specialized Courts OCPS dating violence education for all in grades 7-12 annually Specialized Units – OPD and OCSO OPD Screening at the scene Specialized training for Law Enforcement, EMTs and Firefighters GPS Monitoring in Civil Injunctions AIM – Batterers Intervention Monitoring
Community Progress in Addressing Domestic Abuse: Doubled Shelter Capacity Only DV shelter with Kennel and Daycare in FL It Takes Courage - OPD and City of Orlando Key Business Initiative Project Courage – Evidence based prevention R3 App
Harbor House Statistics Changes (year over year) : Adults – Increased by 41% Children – increased by 36% Crisis hotline calls – increased by 60% Legal Advocacy – injunctions granted increased by 14%
One Statistic HAS NOT Changed : 92% of those arrested for Domestic Violence receive no consequence
Judge Alice Blackwell Committees
911 To Arrest Call is taken Law enforcement dispatched Law enforcement response
Arrest to First Appearance Pressure on survivor No bond presumed First appearance within 24 hours Conditions of release Survivor can appear in court at the jail
First Appearance through Charging Decision Defendant released Pressure mounts on survivor Case prepared and sent to State Attorney State Attorney screens and makes charging decision Bond hearings may occur during this time period
Charging Information through Sentencing If not charged, no further action If charged, arraignment is set in court Public Defender may be appointed or private counsel retained Discovery proceeds in case Pressure on survivor continues or escalates Case is tried or pled If convicted by a jury or plea entered, judge will sentence
Post Sentencing Probation Violations of probation Communication from jail or prison Parole Termination of supervision
Juveniles Processes similar but not the same Moves much faster than adult court May only supervise to age 19
Next Steps