Legacy Fields Project UYSA Field Development Committee 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval
WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval Field Space and Control Relying on School Districts/Cities/Counties Cities increasingly using fields for their own park and rec Growth of field sports putting pressure on field space
EXAMPLES 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval 1.West Jordan Complex - Lease up in 10 years. Complex will be gone different groups have requested use on Mountain Ridge different groups have requested use on Timberline 4. Park City lost several fields in the past couple of years 5. Permanent goals threatened to be taken off all school district fields in Davis county 3 years ago.
THE PLAN 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval Ensure future of youth soccer in Utah by: 1.Partnering within our communities to facilitate the development of legacy soccer fields dedicated to our members. 2. Raising Funds a. Legacy Fee b. Matching donations 3. Identify Land a. Regional Committees 4. Negotiate long-term land partnerships 5. Develop and Maintain Properties
BY THE NUMBERS 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval What We Can Accomplish
NEW FIELD DIMENSIONS 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval
LEGACY FEE 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval Comp Fee $40 PER YEAR Rec Fee (opt in) $5 PER YEAR FUNDS ARE RESTRICTED (only used for field development) FUNDS STAY WITHIN YOUR REGION/AREA
LEGACY FEE (with recreation) 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval Fields built per year
LEGACY FEE (without recreation) 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval Fields built per year
REGION SUBCOMMITTEES 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval Region Subcommittees Five individuals in each region subcommittee will work on identifying potential land Region 1Region 2 Region 3/4 Region 5 Region 6 State Committee Orden Yost Jake CarterDebbie Francis
GENERAL COMPLEX GUIDELINES 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval ❏ 12 acre minimum (3 acres per field) ❏ 50 year lease minimum ❏ Parking availability ❏ Optimal field shape (ability to rotate fields/directions) *Guidelines are subject to change to accommodate individual regions
FIELD USAGE 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval ❏ Usage divided by percentage of club membership in each region ❏ Over time, the ability of a club to participate in Utah Youth Soccer will not be based on their ability to secure fields
MAINTENANCE 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval Fields will be maintained by the Legacy Field Fund Cost has been built into the Legacy Fee Model
UYSA Mission Statement 2015 UYSA CONFIDENTIAL – Not to be shared without UYSA approval Utah Youth Soccer is the leader in promoting, developing, and governing youth soccer in Utah; Providing quality educational and developmental opportunities for all members