International Safety Rating System
ISRS benefits A management system is a framework of controls to manage key processes, organizational risks and drive continual improvement. The management system is important to the operation of every business because it guides the behavior of personnel in the organization. The management system is the management team’s main tool for ensuring safe and sustainable operations. The challenge facing organizations is “How can we get our management system to work more effectively?”
The ISRS contains 30 years of best practice experience in safety and sustainability management. Using ISRS gives necessary personnel the ability to measure, improve and demonstrate the implementation of their management system. Using the associated ISRS Summit networked software, managers can monitor system implementation online across all sites in the organization, providing valuable information for decision support.
SRS helps you: Ensure business operations are safe and sustainable Ensure systematic and effective risk management Save money by reducing your accidents, process stoppages and other loss events Provide assurance to stakeholders that external standards are being met Establish or confirm regulatory compliance Benchmark performance against industry peers and world class Highlight current strengths and weaknesses in the management system Identify any improvements required and monitor their implementation Establish optimized work processes using industry best practice
Develop employee skills and foster the right workplace behaviors and culture Improve systems leading to accreditation in relevant certification standards Establish a single integrated management system to drive continual improvement Provide web enabled assessment software to the desktop of employees and managers Standardize your assessment approach internationally – ISRS available in eight languages Join the global ISRS community and network with other organizations to share good practice.
Assessment An ISRS assessment is a thorough evaluation of these questions and involves interviews with process owners where the questions are scored and commented. The scope of the assessment is entirely flexible determined by the size and complexity of the organization and the management team’s requirements. Detailed verification is conducted and organizations must be prepared to offer evidence to support their answers. The process scores determine an overall level of performance between one and ten. The results provide a detailed measure of performance and a gap analysis against the organization’s desired level of performance. This becomes the planning basis for improvement during the next period.
ISRS seventh and eighth editions are structured with 15 processes embedded in a continuous improvement loop: Leadership Planning and administration Risk evaluation Human resources Compliance assurance Project management Training and competence Communication and promotion Risk control Asset management Contractor management and purchasing ISRS seventh and eighth editions are structured with 15 processes. Emergency preparedness Learning from events Risk monitoring Results and review.
ISRS seventh and eighth editions are structured with 15 processes.
The 15 ISRS processes are embedded in a continuous improvement loop.
Process safety management ISRS eighth edition helps you ensure systematic and effective control of process risks, effective evaluation of the condition of plant and equipment and improved process safety. It describes the key activities for effective process safety management including:
PSM leadership Management of change Asset integrity management Process safety information Process hazard analysis Operating procedures PSM in projects Pre-start-up safety review.