Themes, Units, & Activities Dr. Seuss Author Study! ELA: Dr. Seuss Author Study! Students will continue reviewing Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham”. Students will be introduced to Dr. Seuss’s “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish“ and “Fox in Socks”. Children will be asked to name a few rhyming words as well as sight words they can remember from the book. Students will continue review of the –am word family and will also be introduced to the -ack, -ed, –ish, – ock, and -og word families. Students will continue reviewing Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham”. Students will be introduced to Dr. Seuss’s “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish“ and “Fox in Socks”. Children will be asked to name a few rhyming words as well as sight words they can remember from the book. Students will continue review of the –am word family and will also be introduced to the -ack, -ed, –ish, – ock, and -og word families. Phonics: Letters Zz; Sight Words; Away, Blue, Can, and Red. In honor of reading the story, “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish”, Students will create one (1) red and one (1) blue “fish” handprints. Introduction to Addition!! Math: Introduction to Addition!! Students will continue practicing addition! Children will review how to use their number recognition as well as the signs that are used to make an addition word problem being plus (+), and (&), and equals (=). Students will continue reviewing the complex concept of measurement. Students will discover that anything can be measured or weighed. St.Patrick’s Day/Easter Religion: St.Patrick’s Day/Easter Art: Z is for ABC Zoo Fox in Socks & Cat in The Hat Handprints Social Studies: Dr.Seuss/ St. Patrick’s Day Science/Health: Peeps Experiment! **Absent notes containing the date and reason for your child’s absence must be sent in upon their return to school.*** Homework Monday: Trace & Write Letter Zz W.S.; “If You Were a Plus Sign” Addition Review W.S.; Sight Word W.S. for Away. Graduation Project: Due on Friday, March 18 th ! * * Graduation Project: Decorate your own Fox in Socks: Please be creative and decorate lightly since it will be hung up! Due on Friday, March 18 th ! * Read minutes & Parent Signature on Reading Log -ed Tuesday: Sight Word W.S. for Blue.; Easter Addition W.S.; -ed Word Family W.S. Read minutes & Parent Signature on Reading Log Wednesday: Color Letter Zz W.S.; Sight Word W.S. for Can; Fox in Socks W.S. Read minutes & Parent Signature on Reading Log -og Thursday: -og Word Family W.S.; St. Patrick’s Day Addition W.S.; Sight Word W.S. for Red. Read minutes & Parent Signature on Reading Log ** Weekly Book Report # 8 Due on Monday, March 21 th ! ** *Have your child practice writing their own name on their homework. Also, let them practice cutting and pasting as well. Please use pencil when tracing! Thank you! Reminders: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! * Due to School Schedule Conflict, Tuesdays will be our Class New Gym Day! * ** There is Gym on Tuesday! ** *** Please wear your Gym Uniform! ***