Lesson 10 the ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Modified by K.Riggins 2016 Anatomy & Physiology Hewitt-Trussville High School
GLANDS OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM The endocrine system is responsible for many amazing bodily processes: growth, sexual development, the fight or flight response to danger, and the process by which cells make energy and synthesize insulin. How the endocrine system works is complicated, but if you know glands are involved that will make your understanding greater. The next few slides detail each gland/organ associated with the endocrine system.
HYPOTHALAMUS The hypothalamus is in control of the pituitary hormones The hypothalamus actually produces the hormones!
PITUITARY GLAND This gland is often referred to as the "master gland." It greatly influences other organs in the body, and its function is vital to the overall well-being of a person. The pituitary gland releases several hormones.
THYROID Found in both women and men, the thyroid controls a person's metabolism. It is located in the front of the neck.
PARATHYROID This gland is vital to proper bone development. It controls both calcium and phosphorous levels in the body. The parathyroid gland is actually a group of four small glands located behind the thyroid gland.
ADRENAL GLANDS This gland helps to control blood sugar. In addition, also helps your body do the following: - Promoting proper cardiovascular function - Properly utilizing carbohydrates and fats - Helps distribute stored fat - Promotes healthy gastrointestinal functions
PANCREAS The main function of the pancreas is to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It is a large gland located behind the stomach.
THYMUS This gland secretes hormones that are commonly referred to as humoral factors and are important during puberty. The role of these hormones is to make sure a person develops a healthy immune system. Withers away after puberty!
PINEAL GLAND The pineal gland releases melatonin, which helps the body recognize when it is time to go to sleep.
GONADS - SPERM Found in men, this gland produces testosterone, which promotes the growth of the penis as a male gets older as well as facial and body hair. It also deepens the voice of a male at a certain age. Other functions of testosterone include: - Maintaining sex drive - Promoting production of sperm - Maintaining healthy levels of muscle and bone mass
GONADS - OVARIES Found in women, this gland produces both estrogen and progesterone, which promote the development of breasts. They also help a woman maintain healthy menstrual periods