You and a partner will create an Excel spreadsheet about information you research on the Internet. You will each create one on your computer. You need to collaborate together on colors and the setup of the spreadsheet.
Population of cities in Utah County Compare the enrollment for the colleges in Utah Compare the # of wins and loses of two sports teams over the last 10 years Display how many Subways & Quiznos there are in each county in UT The enrollment in each High School in Alpine School District compared to other districts Compare store locations for 2 different stores in certain states Compare several different singers/bands with how many albums they have or how many Grammys they have won.
Enough information displayed(at least 10 different categories. For example: number of stores in 10 different states, Points scored by players in 10 years) Calculate totals Calculate Average, Minimum, Maximum & Count Use colors, borders, pictures (make it look nice & organized)
Create a chart to graphically display the information on your spreadsheet. Include a summary of what you found from your research. (Put the summary in a text box) Footer with you and your partner’s names. Save it: Period_Last_First_Comparison Make it fit on one page Drop it to me
Total-- =SUM(range) or AutoSum button Use this to find a total number of stores
Average-- =AVERAGE(range) Use this to find the average of a range or selection of cells
Least-- =MIN(range) Use this to find the smallest number in the selected range
Most-- =MAX(range) Use this to find the number that is the highest in the selected range