The Sentry Personal Alarming Dosimeter and Rate Meter
The Sentry Personal Alarming Ratemeter & Dosimeter The Radiation Alert® Sentry is a Personal Alarming Dosimeter & Rate Meter designed to ensure the safety of personnel that work in occupations with potential x- ray or gamma exposure. The pocket sized unit has built in memory for the tracking of accumulated exposure and incident reconstruction with the Free SentryCom Software.
The Sentry Functions
Connect the USB cable to The Sentry EC, located on the end panel of the unit under the protective cap. Once the unit is connected to your computer, it will install a com port for the serial over USB communication. The Sentry Software
Connect the Sentry to your computer via the USB port Launch The Sentry Software on your PC Click the “Open COM Port” button to access the Sentry unit via the software
Once you have established a connection to the Sentry unit, you will be prompted to let you know the software is connected to the unit. The Sentry Software
Click “Retrieve Current Settings” This will populate the fields below with the current alarm and warning settings for the Sentry. From the Settings screen, you can set warning and alarm levels to your desired setting using whole numbers (no decimals). The minimum rate alarm available that will correspond with the exposure rate is 25 mR/hr. The Sentry Software
Click “Calibrate” Tab Click “Retrieve Current Settings” This will populate the fields below with the current calibration settings for the Sentry. Checking the “Calibration Mode” checkbox will enable the user to display the current exposure reading.
The Sentry Software Click “Data Log” Tab Click “Retrieve Data”
The Sentry Software You will prompted when the data is finished downloading with a “Complete” next to the button. Accumulated Exposure data is labeled with a time and date stamp. Power Cycles are recorded to memory. Data can be saved for later analysis.
Since 1979 RADIATION ALERT® instruments have proven ideal for a wide range of applications. As the manufacturer of our products, we have engineered them to be reliable, simple to use and understand, and affordably priced. We're dedicated to our customers and promise to help you find the appropriate instrument for your needs. Our continuing development reflects our commitment to meet increasing and changing needs of first response, industrial, governmental, educational, medical, and environmental markets. All Radiation Alert® products are shipped promptly and supported by comprehensive customer and technical service. All our instruments, both warranty and non-warranty, can be repaired and calibrated by our in-house technicians.