PNAMP Monitoring Terminology Data Dictionary The meta data file provides a better explanation of the project’s intent. The estuary work group is still conducting their review of the product and will meet in may to make additional revisions. There is a discussion of a workshop in the summer to discuss this concept and add content.
Monitoring TypeSubject GroupSubject Effectiveness Status & Trend Implementation Compliance Validation Research Biological Physical Action/Project Location Fish Birds Species Invertebrates Reptiles Mammals Insects Amphibians Macro Invertebrates Event Attribute/ General Attribute Water Quality Hydrology/Water Quantity Air Quality Toxicology/Pollution Sediment Regulatory, Consultation & Legal Action: Habitat Quality/Quantity Vegetation Habitat Restoration Actions/Projects Supplementation, Enhancement, Propagation Actions Fishery Management Action Other Ecological Province Estuarine: Tidal Freshwater and Tidal Brackish Nearshore: Intertidal, Supra Tidal Ocean/Pelagic Lake Wadeable Streams Non-Wadeable Streams Riparian Upland All Data Elements Indicator Performance Measure Metric/ Variable
Type of Monitoring Data: The type of monitoring which uses this attribute Implementation Monitoring: Implementation monitoring is used to ensure that strategies and treatments are implemented in accord with stated management standards and guidelines, and is generally carried out as an administrative review or site visit. Compliance Monitoring: Compliance monitoring determines whether specified criteria are being met as a direct result of an implemented action. The criteria can be numeric or descriptive, but result from the direct impact of the action, not the indirect impact of the action. Status and Trend Monitoring: Status monitoring is used to characterize existing or undisturbed conditions and to establish a baseline for future comparisons. The intent of status monitoring is to capture temporal and spatial variability in the parameters of interest. Trend monitoring involves measurements taken at regular time or space intervals in order to assess the long-term or large- scale trend in a particular parameter. Usually, the measurements are not taken specifically to evaluate management practices; rather, they serve to describe changes in the parameter over time or space. Validation Monitoring: Validation monitoring is research to verify the basic assumptions behind effectiveness monitoring and models. Validation monitoring is used to assess the assumed linkage between implementation, compliance and effectiveness monitoring indicators, and the assumed indirect linkages between the effectiveness monitoring and the management objectives. Effectiveness Monitoring: Effectiveness Monitoring evaluates the cause and effect relations between management activities and their direct effect or goal. Success may be measured against “reference areas,” “baseline conditions,” or “desired future conditions.” Effectiveness monitoring can be implemented at the scale of single actions, suites of actions across space, or for an entire strategy consisting of a diversity of actions in a single place. Uncertainty Research: Systematic observation of phenomena for the purpose of learning new facts or testing the application of scientific theories & hypothesis to known facts related to the unknown correlations in biological and ecological processes and functions; -- also called scientific research. (This is the research part of the phrase "research and development" (R&D). "Development" is the application of the results into products for management. Monitoring Type Effectiveness Status and Trend Implementation Compliance Validation Research
Subject Group Biological Physical Action/Project Location Event Attribute/ General Attribute Subject Group: Is the primary classification group used to help filter this data dictionary. These Terms need to be defined.
Subject Fish Birds Species Invertebrates Reptiles Mammals Insects Amphibians Macro Invertebrates Water Quality Hydrology/Water Quantity Air Quality Toxicology/Pollution Sediment Regulatory, Consultation & Legal Action: Habitat Quality/Quantity Vegetation Habitat Restoration Actions/Projects Supplementation, Enhancement, Propagation Actions Fishery Management Action Other Subject: The secondary classification grouping used to help filter groupings of terms.
Ecological Province Ecological Province: The specific ecological province that monitoring is designed to assess. This may be left blank if it applies to all provinces. Estuarine: Tidal Freshwater and Tidal Brackish Nearshore: Intertidal, Supra Tidal Ocean/Pelagic Lake Wadeable Streams Non-Wadeable Streams Riparian Upland All
Data Element Name: The data element in this data dictionary is equivalent conceptually to metric/variable, derived variable, indicator or performance measure. Associated with the name the data element will define an atomic unit of data that includes name, definition and unit of measure (and other aspects). Attribute: Unique Text. (Goal is to develop a “Pick list”) Example: Instream LWD project
Monitoring Type Subject GroupSubject Effectiveness Action/Project Regulatory, Consultation & Legal Action: Habitat Restoration Actions/Projects Supplementation, Enhancement, Propagation Actions Fishery Management Action Other Data Element Conservation: Easements Conservation: Land conservation Creation: Material placement Creation: Tidal channel modification Enhancement: Bioengineered streambank stabilization Enhancement: Invasive species removal Enhancement: Riparian fencing Estuarine habitat projects Fish Passage Project: Fish Screening: Hatchery fish enhancement projects Instream Flow: Instream Flow: Irrigation practice improvement Instream Flow: Water flow returned to stream Instream Wetland: Wetland Creation Instream: Beaver introduction Instream: Channel Connectivity Instream: Large Woody Debris Instream: Log weirs Instream: Rootwads Instream: Spawning Gravel Placement Instream: Streambank Stabilization Instream: Wood Structure/ Log Jam Nutrient Enrichment: Carcass Placement Nutrient Enrichment: Fertilizer Outmigrant Survival Improvement (Estuary): Channel Modification Protection: Land acquisition Effectiveness Monitoring Schematic
Monitoring TypeSubject GroupSubject Effectiveness Action/Project Regulatory, Consultation & Legal Action: Habitat Restoration Actions/Projects Supplementation, Enhancement, Propagation Actions Fishery Management Action Other Data Element Conservation: Easements Conservation: Land conservation Creation: Material placement Creation: Tidal channel modification Enhancement: Bioengineered streambank stabilization Enhancement: Invasive species removal Enhancement: Riparian fencing Estuarine habitat projects Fish Passage Project: Fish Screening: Hatchery fish enhancement projects Instream Flow: Instream Flow: Irrigation practice improvement Instream Flow: Water flow returned to stream Instream Wetland: Wetland Creation Instream: Beaver introduction Instream: Channel Connectivity Instream: Large Woody Debris Instream: Log weirs Instream: Rootwads Instream: Spawning Gravel Placement Instream: Streambank Stabilization Instream: Wood Structure/ Log Jam Nutrient Enrichment: Carcass Placement Nutrient Enrichment: Fertilizer Outmigrant Survival Improvement (Estuary): Channel Modification Protection: Land acquisition Status and Trend Implementation Effectiveness Monitoring Schematic
References: Katz Et al. Roegner et al. WDFW Habitat Work Schedule PCSRF (Not in data dictionary)
Monitoring TypeSubject GroupSubject Effectiveness Status and Trend Implementation Compliance Validation Research Biological Physical Action/Project Location Fish Birds Species Invertebrates Reptiles Mammals Insects Amphibians Macro Invertebrates Event Attribute/ General Attribute Water Quality Hydrology/Water Quantity Air Quality Toxicology/Pollution Sediment Other Habitat Quality/Quantity Ecological Province Vegetation Estuarine: Tidal Freshwater and Tidal Brackish Nearshore: Intertidal, Supra Tidal Ocean/Pelagic Lake Wadeable Streams Non-Wadeable Streams Riparian Upland All
Monitoring TypeSubject GroupSubject Effectiveness Status and Trend Implementation Compliance Validation Research Physical Fish Birds Species Invertebrates Reptiles Mammals Insects Amphibians Macro Invertebrates Water Quality Hydrology/Water Quantity Air Quality Toxicology/Pollution Sediment Other Habitat Quality/Quantity Ecological Province Vegetation Estuarine: Tidal Freshwater and Tidal Brackish Nearshore: Intertidal, Supra Tidal Ocean/Pelagic Lake Wadeable Streams Non-Wadeable Streams Riparian Upland All
Monitoring TypeSubject GroupSubject Implementation Compliance Action/Project Location Event Attribute/ General Attribute Regulatory, Consultation & Legal Action: Habitat Restoration Actions/Projects Supplementation, Enhancement, Propagation Actions Fishery Management Action Other Ecological Province All Data Elements Indicator Performance Measure Metric/ Variable Monitoring and Research Actions