Zambia’s Position Zambia is a landlocked country situated in the southern part of Africa between 8 o – 18 o South and 22 o – 34 o East, with a land area of km 2. Shares borders with Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Tanzania in the north; Malawi and Mozambique in the east; Zimbabwe and Botswana in the south, Namibia in the southwest and Angola in the west. 2
Demographics Zambia’s population as at 2000 was 9, 885, 591 Zambia is a democratic Republic presided over by an Executive President. Major export commodity is copper, 67% p/a total exports 3
TREATIES THAT ZAMBIA IS PARTY TO TreatyDate of Ratification/Accession Vienna Convention (Accessed) Montreal Protocol (Accessed) London Amendments to the M P (Ratified) Copenhagen Amendment to MP (Accessed) Montreal Amendment to M P ) (Accessed) Beijing Amendment to M P ) (Accessed) Basel Convention Acceded, 1995 Stockholm Convention o1, July 2006 Rotterdam ConventionReceived cabinet approval in January 2010 Chemical Weapons Convention25, April 1997
SAICM Zambia was actively involved in SAICM preparatory meetings The Zambian Government together with other world governments adopted the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) on 2006 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates at the first International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM)
SAICM IMPLEMENTATION Inter agency coordination mechanism Academia NGO’s Private sector Regulatory Agencies Govt. ministries
SAICM IMPLEMENTATION Zambia has been very active in the SAICM implementation at national, Regional and global levels and currently holds the SAICM African Region Coordination position
SAICM QSP PROJECTS : Zambia has been implementing a project for Mainstreaming Sound Management of Chemicals issues into MDG based National Development Planning Instruments This is funded by KemL, the Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate in conjunction with UNDP/UNEP
SAICM QSP PROJECTS The project is mainly for capacity building and seeks among other things, to identify and strengthen areas of sound management of chemicals governance regime and proposing the way forward to mainstream the highest priority issues in the country’s MDG based development planning One of the major outputs of this project is to quantify the cost of inaction/benefits of action regarding a major chemical management problem
SAICM QSP PROJECTS Initiated a Quick Start Project on Capacity Building for the Implementation of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals in Zambia with technical support from UNITAR This project is for 24 months starting 2010
BENEFITS Awareness on SAICM has been created among stakeholders as a result of the QSP Projects Key government ministries e.g. MFNP, MoH are now more involved in SMC Local human resource capacity has been belt Setting up of the ICM to coordinate SMCs Promotion of Synergies among Conventions Key issues identified for mainstreaming- SNDP