GEOSS Task AR-09-01b Architecture Implementation Pilot AIP Phase 3, (AIP-3) George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium GEO Task AR-09-01b Task POC ADC 13, Pretoria May 2010
GEO Task AR-09-01b Architecture Implementation Pilot Develop and pilot new process and infrastructure components for the GCI and the broader GEOSS architecture Continuation of existing efforts, e.g., IP3, and new activities solicited through Calls for Participation (CFPs) Slide 2 “fostering interoperability arrangements and common practices for GEOSS”
AIP-3 Schedule
AIP-3 CFP Responses (34 to date) AIRNOW BKG CEOS CIESIN Compusult CSIRO DRI E-Habitat EO2Heaven ERDAS ESA ESIP Federation ESRI EuroGEOSS and GENESIS GENESI-DR Geoland2 GIGAS Data Interoperability GIGAS Disaster Mgmt GIS.FCU GMU CSISS GSDI IFGI INCOSE ISPRA and CNR JAXA Mines ParisTech, EnerGEO, GENESIS NOAA DMIT PML Pozzi Team QA4EO Spot Infoterra Univ Heidelberg Univ Tokyo Washington U. St. Louis
AIP Communications Plan Telecons –AIP Plenary Telecon –WG Telecons list-servers –One plenary list –One list per work group Collaboration Resources –WebEx and DimDim –AIP use of Google Sites GCI coordination –SIF –Best Practices Registry
AIP-3 Kickoff Workshop Logistics –11-12 March 2010 –Location: ESA ESRIN –Plenary and Parallel sessions Objectives –Develop collaboration and interoperability goals –Develop detailed plans and schedule –Design beyond CFP AIP Architecture –Develop Scenarios suitable for directing development of Operational Exemplars
AIP-3 Working Groups and Leaders Disaster Management –Didier Giacobbo –Arnaud Cauchy Water –Will Pozzi –Stefano Nativi –Liping Di –Brad Lee Health: AQ and Disease –Stefan Falke –François Marques Biodiversity and Climate –Doug Nebert –Stefano Nativi –Energy WG Energy –Lionel Menard –Isabelle Blanc End-to-End Engineering –Nadine Alameh –Josh Lieberman –Larry McGovern Data Harmonization –Herve Caumont Data Sharing Guidelines –Steve Browdy –(CIESIN) Vocabularies and Semantics –Cristiano Fugazza –Roberto Lucchi –Masahiko Nagai
AIP-3 WG: End-to-End Engineering Josh Lieberman Nadine Alameh Hervé Caumont Larry McGovern
End to End to the End of Discovery Backwards: From User Strategy to Publication Practice Forwards: Users Drill Down to Data Middle Outwards: Concept & Vocabulary Mediation Users & Issues Vocabulary & Connections Applications & Queryables Publication & Registration Immediate view of relevant data Standard, fine- grained data access Drill-down to Evaluation Metadata User Questions & Concerns DeciderIssue Vocabulary Concept Mapping & Inference Data Vocabulary Provider
Reusable Process for Deploying Scenarios Engineering Use Cases support SBA Scenarios Scenarios: end user view of the value of GEOSS –Focused on topics of interest to a community –Occur in a geographic Area of Interest (AOI) –Steps in a scenario are Use Cases Use Cases: reusable service oriented architecture –Use cases for discovery, data access, etc –Utilize Interoperability Arrangements
GEOSS Actors used in AIP
AIP Use Cases
New Use cases for AIP-3 Semantic mediation User Requirements Registry Data licensing User management
Services and Components Slide 14 GEOSS Common Infrastructure Community Portals & Clients Data Access Services Community Catalogues Processing and Alerts Test and Monitoring Registered Community Resources
AIP-2 Augmenting GCI GEOSS Clearinghouse GEO Web Portals GEOSS Common Infrastructure Components & Services Standards and Interoperability Best Practices Wiki User Requirements Registries Main GEO Web Site Registered Community Resources Community Portals Client Applications Client Tier Business Process Tier Community Catalogues Alert Servers Workflow Managemen t Processing Servers Access Tier GEONETCast Product Access Servers Sensor Web Servers Model Access Servers Test Facility Mediation Servers
Interoperability Arrangements for Services
AIP-3 WG: Data Sharing Steve Browdy, IEEE
Data Sharing Guidelines WG Data access conditions being considered: –Data licensing Public domain (CC0) Creative Commons with attribution Creative Commons non-commercial Other and non-standard licenses –User management User registration and login Single sign-on open standard options –OpenID, OAuth, Shibboleth
Data Sharing Guidelines WG Use Cases for licensing conditions: –Currently in development –To be finished by late May to early June –Will include recommendation for metadata encoding and potential impacts to Clearinghouse and GWP Use Cases for user management –Using ASTER GDEM and Disaster Management scenario as case studies –Will be addressed after licensing is completed Experimental implementation of Use Cases –Development between May and September –Testing from July/August forward
AIP-3 Working Group: Data Harmonization Herve Caumont Erdas
AIP-3 Working Group: Data Harmonization Information modelling –Reconciling WMO/CEOS geophysical parameters with the modelling of geographical features –GIGAS report Quality assurance as part of the registration process (QA4EO) Coordination with GEO task on Data Harmonisation required
Information (data) in AIP architecture Location Determination and Reference Frames Geophysical Observations Geographic Features Environmental Models Registries and Metadata Data Policy, Rights Management, and Licenses User Requirements and Decision Support
AIP-3 Working Group: Vocabularies and Semantics Roberto Lucchi RLucchi(at) Masahiko Nagai nagaim(at) Cristiano Fugazza cristiano.fugazza(at)
Goals Create and collect semantic information –Creation, maintenance, and governance of vocabularies/thesauri Use –Annotation of resource descriptions using thesauri –Exploitation of annotations in data and service discovery –Linkage of terms from independent thesauri
Progress Weekly teleconferences started Main topics –Resource Annotation –Mediation (leveraging annotations in resource discovery, evaluation, use and in user collaborations) –Cross-vocabulary relationships –User Requirements Registry coordination. Outcome –new or refined use cases –best practices (e.g. core conceptual operations)
AIP-3 Working Group: Disaster Management Didier GiacobboSpot Image Arnaud CauchyInfoterra
Disaster Management - Introduction Objective Update DM Reference Scenario from AIP-2 Approach –Identification of Disaster Management initiatives –Comparative Analysis of GEOSS AIP-2 Reference Scenario and Dedicated DM reference scenario. –Gathering Comparative Analysis in order to produce a unique GEOSS AIP-3 Reference Scenario.
Disaster Management - Done 4 Disaster Management Initiatives have been identified CSDP Ubiq-Mon (Typhoon Disaster Management in Tawain) 3D-WMS (3D viewing and transportation network update for DM) SAFER (Emergency Response Core Service - Europe) 4 Comparative Analysis has been conducted report dedicated to User Management in collaboration with End2Engineering
Disaster Management - Trends It should be considered New actors dedicated to coordination Additional details on geo-product production (esp. Thematic Product) Capabilities bring by the 3D Concept of Crisis Termination
Disaster Management - Next Merge results of comparative analysis in the official template (draft for review 05/17/2010) Address User Management (telecon 05/20/2010)
AIP-3 Working Group Energy Lionel Menard Mines ParisTech
AIP-3 Energy scenario: “Information on environmental impacts of the production, transportation and use of energy” Leader: Mines ParisTech (Poc: Lionel Menard & Isabelle Blanc) Team: GENESIS and EnerGEO consortiums (European Commission FP7 funded projects) Ecoinvent (Swiss SME) Why assessing the environmental impacts of the energy sector ? Worldwide demand of energy is growing: global energy demand will increase by % from 2003 to 2030 (IEA, 2005) Energy production, transportation and consumption imply considerable pressures on the environment Sustainability of current and future energy consumptions is of serious concern Cross SBA concerns (Climate, Water, Ecosystems, Health) Need for information to help assessing current environmental impacts on a global and local scale : energy diversification leading to reduce pressure on the environment. Key issues when assessing the environmental impacts of the Photovoltaic sector (Users) What is the most favorable technology for PV module ? (Installers) What are the overall environmental performances of PV systems related to their implementation ? (Policy planners, Energy operators) What is the carbon footprint of a PV system according to its lifecycle ? (Policy planners, Energy operators) What are the overall environmental performances of PV systems related to their fabrication ? (Installers, Energy operators, Policy planners)
Scenario objectives: Provide the necessary GEOSS compatible components to answer user’s concerns Component’s list includes: OGC Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Processing Service (WPS) of: Average annual solar irradiation (kWh/m 2 ) (Mines ParisTech) Environmental outputs of PV systems (Ecoinvent & Mines ParisTech) OGC CSW (Catalog Service Web) (EnerGEO) Appropriate web map (WMS) and web processing capacities (WPS) using software from the GENESIS solution (GENESIS) Web Portal and Geodata Visualization Portlet (GUI) (GENESIS)
On going works… GENESIS Visualization Portlet displaying a SRTM Digital Elevation Model layer from OGC WMS deployed at Mines ParisTech
On going works… EnerGEO CSW GEOSS Catalog candidate (
Mc-Si technology for PV modules Modules tilt : 30° PV system lifetime = 30 years Expected outcomes results from the GENESIS Visualization Portlet Carbon Footprint Map of mc-Si over France 12.4% efficiency – manufactured in France no recycling - Several impacts compared to the country mix / kWh
AIP-3 Summary Slides for GEO Task Symposium Health SBA: Air Quality and Infectious Diseases Workgroup Leads: Stefan Falke, François Marques May 24, 2010 Pretoria, South Africa
Air Quality and Health Data Infrastructure Users GEOSS Common Infrastructure Air Quality Community Catalog General search and use of GEOSS data and services AQ-specific search and use of GEOSS data and services SEDAC DataFed Giovanni EDAC NGC ESA AIP-3 Workspace: Primary Participants: US EPA, ifgi, EO2Heaven, ESIP, WUStL, CEOS WGISS Atmospheric Composition Interest Group, GMU CSiSS, ISPRA, CSN Contributing Participants: BKG, ESA/FAO, QA4EO, The Univ. of Tokyo-Center for Spatial Information Science, GIGAS, geoland2, Compusult, INCOSE, GENESI-DR, ESRI, CIESIN, PML Data Providers
Related Air Quality and Health GEO Tasks AR-09-01b – GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot –AQ&H WorkgroupAQ&H Workgroup AR-09-02a – Virtual Constellations –Atmospheric Composition Constellation (ACC)Atmospheric Composition Constellation AR-09-02b: Atmospheric Composition PortalAtmospheric Composition Portal US-09-01a – Identifying Synergies between SBAs –Air Quality and Health User Needs EvaluationAir Quality and Health User Needs Evaluation –User Requirement Registry US-09-01b – Community of Practice Development –GEO AQ CoPGEO AQ CoP DA-09-02d – Atmospheric Model Evaluation Network DA-09-01b: Data, Metadata and Products Harmonization DA-09-02a: Data Integration and Analysis Systems Alliance HE-09-02a: Aerosol Impacts on Health and Environment HE-09-02b: AQ Observations, Forecasting & Public Info HE-09-02c: Global Monitoring for Persistent Organic Pollutants HE-09-02d: Global Monitoring for Atmospheric Mercury See the AQ CoP site for more information:
AIP-3 Working Group: Water Will Pozzi
AIP-3 Working Group: Water Two Scenarios –Agricultural Drought –Water Quality Aiming to be supportive of GEOSS Water Tasks Informatics –Remove wading through multiple forms on web sites, requiring familiarity with the details of how data are organized within each data collection –Retrieval and updating of data (streamflow, etc.) can be based upon an updated WaterML
Designing an Interoperable system capable of Growth
Interoperability is required between EuroGEOSS and USA efforts—and Australia Fast access through web portal Seamless up and downscaling Comparison and analysis New perspectives for R&D “To develop a European Drought Observatory within the framework of INSPIRE specifications and GEOSS interoperability arrangements, fully integrated with local and national systems in Europe and international drought early warning systems as a European contribution to a Global Drought Early Warning System.”
AIP-3 WG: Biodiversity and Climate Change S. Nativi (CNR), Doug Nebert (USGS)
Selected responses Use Scenarios –e-Habitat & Species Occurrences Use Scenario A web based decision-making tool for assessing environmental changes due to anthropogenic activities, including climate change –Weather Scenarios an online analysis portal to achieve multi-temporal NDVI derivation from satellite observations Resource providers –PMEL: Marine echosystem data on the UK region –GeoLand2: High resolution pan-european land cover and land use -real time and global biogeophysical parameters –ISPRA-CNR: Environmental monitoring data on Italy
Challenges and Opportunities Share and chain –Datasets –Services –Environment Models Align ontologies and contribute to the GCI ontology platform Involve more scientific patrons Work on the arctic region and collect more resources on that area Contribute to the GeoBON initiative as pilots
AIP depends on other GEO Tasks DI-09-02: Multi-Risk Management DI-06-09: Use of Satellites for Risk Management WA-06-02: Droughts, Floods and Water Management WA-06-07: Water Resource Management BI-07-01: BON EN Energy Enviro. Impact HE-09-01: Info Systems for Health HE-09-02: Monitoring and Prediction for Health US-09-01: User Engagement DA-06-01: Data Sharing Principles DA-09-01: Data Management DA-09-02: Data Integration and Analysis DA-09-03: Global Data Sets AR-09-02: Interoperable Systems for GEOSS AR-09-04: Dissemination and Distribution Networks
Architecture Video for Ministerial Theme –Bold vision endorsed 5 years ago –Architecture vision has now been demonstrated –Ministers should invest in their agency developments consistent with plan Sources –AIP-2 Demo Videos –Interviews –South Africa Summit Footage –GEOSS Design themes
References GEO – GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot – GEOSS registries and SIF – George Percivall