Test Format 15 Multiple Choice 2 Short Answer Questions 1 Essay
Precinct Smallest geographic unit for holding elections Public Opinion Help politicians better plan campaigns if they know what it is important to the people
Poll Taken to determine people’s attitudes and viewpoints Interest Group Tries to persuade people to respond to its members shared attitudes
Labor Union Organization of workers who work in the same job or industry Lobbyist People who generally work within the government process to affect policy
Significance of the nomination stage of elections Nominations set real limits to the choices voters can make in general elections
Significance of primary elections The outcome will dictate whom they will vote for in the general election
Reasons for automated voting or voting machines To minimize vote counting errors
Impact of money as a campaign resource It helps candidates become known to the public
Limits on campaign contributions Can be made by an American
Typical campaign budgets today Spend the most on TV ads
Impact of public opinion on politicians Americans belong to many different publics, each with a different viewpoint
Impact of mass media on the public agenda Focus the public’s attention on specific issues
Major role of interest groups Supply the public with information Building a positive image for their group Promote a particular public policy
The Polling Process The process 1. Define the universe to surveyed 2. Construct a sample 3. Prepare valid questions 4. Select and control how the pole 5. Analyze and report their findings to the public Impact Measures people’s attitudes
Interest Groups The Good Stimulate interest in public affairs Represent their members on the basis of shared attitudes Provide useful info. to the government Vehicles for political participation
Interest Groups cont’d The Bad Some have influence that isn’t far Hard to tell who or how many a group represents Some don’t represent the view of all people they claim to represent Some tactics used would undermine the whole political system
Mass Media & Elections Role of the Media Means of communication Forms of the Media TV Newspaper Radio Magazines
Mass Media & Elections Cont’d Media & Politics Presents people with political information and government Plays a part in shaping the public agenda Limits on Media Few people follow political events Content the media carries Radio and TV skim the news
Electoral College Process/Support Framers put it in the Constitution Protects small states and large states with small populations It is a known process It identifies the winners quickly and certainly Criticisms/Reform Popular vote doesn’t matter System gives unfair advantage to states with more electoral votes Electors are not required to vote for the candidate favored by the popular vote in their state
Essay Prompts How does the mass media impact American elections? (television, newspaper, radio, internet, limits, etc.) OR Explain the justifications and criticisms of the Electoral College System in America