TABLE OF CONSUMED CALORIES WITHIN 3 DAYS First Day (Calories)Second Day (Calories)Third Day (Calories) Total of 4178 calories
TABLE OF CONSUMED WATER WITHIN 3 DAYS First Day (cup)Second Day (cup)Third Day (cup) 1 cup1-2 cup1 cup Total 3-4 cups
ACTIVITIES NEEDED TO EQUAL CALORIES (BURN) To burn the calories I consumed in the 3 days I collected data… I have to run (jogging) at a rate of 8mph (7.5 min mile) for 400 minutes to get rid of 4320 calories that get burned in the process. I have to do casual, general, soccer for 2 hours (120 minutes) but I do soccer twice a week that burns approximately 672 calories mph light cycling for 15 minutes burns 72 calories content/uploads/2013/01/burn.jpg
WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO FOR YOUR ENERGY INPUT TO EQUAL YOUR ENERGY OUTPUT. Energy out refers to the amount of kilojoules burnt up by the body by ‘staying alive’ (which includes factors such as digestion, heart beat, breathing, etc) and by being active. For individuals, the level of energy expended daily depends on age, stage of growth and development, and usual daily activity levels. mg/energy_logo.gif
WHAT COULD HAPPEN IF YOUR CALORIE INPUT IS HIGHER THAN YOUR OUTPUT If your calorie input is higher than your output could result in turning obese or having a weak body in general or if the intake is lower than your output, you can be bony and have less strength since most muscles were burned. Those causes effect your body in a negative way. This includes gaining fat and or muscles. This is called Caloric Surplus but the opposite is called Caloric Deficit. But just by burning the amount of calories earned on that day, this will not affect your body as much and change your appearance. content/uploads/2013/04/Obese- MAn.jpg
WHAT IS THE RECOMMENDED AMOUNT OF WATER YOU SHOULD CONSUME PER DAY AgeMaleFemale L/day = 6 glasses 1.4L/day = 5 to 6 glasses L/day = 7 glasses 1.6Lday = 6 glasses Adults (18+) 2.6L/day = 10 glasses 2.1l/day = 8 glasses content/uploads/vectorstock_ jpg
WHAT COULD HAPPEN IF YOUR WATER INTAKE IS BELOW THE RECOMMENDED AMOUNT? Negative consequences can vary if you get dehydrated or your water intake is lower than the recommended amount. The risk includes Kidney stones and can affect your mental and physical performances negatively and lead to dehydration. But a overdose of water can cause negative water intoxications. mons/d/df/Nefrolit.jpg
POSITIVE THINGS OF YOUR DAY TO DAY EATING I consume some water per day instead of just juice filled with sugar. Also I do not consume an abundant of food at once in breakfast, lunch, or dinner. content/uploads/2013/11/eat-colors-of- the-rainbow.jpg
LIST SOME OF THE THINGS YOU WOULD LIKE TO IMPROVE ABOUT YOUR DIET I would like to meet the standards of the water intake per day as well as doing more exercise for burning the calories every day to keep a constant weight. Or by eating more since my calorie count is really low but that means that I have to exercise for a longer period of time since I consume more calories. mages/Composite/diet-comp.jpg?view=Standard
CITATIONS Calorie Counter. (n.d.). Calories Burned From Exercise. Retrieved February 19, 2014, from Drinks for Hydration. (n.d.). Healthy Kids :. Retrieved February 19, 2014, from nutrition/drinks-for-hydration.aspx