Did you know eating too many sugars and sticky foods can increase your child’s risk of tooth decay?
Fruits and Vegetables Instead of giving your child sticky foods as snacks, offer fruits and vegetables. Crunchy fruits and veggies like apples, pears, celery, and carrots are excellent options. Foods that do not stick to the biting surfaces of the teeth are best.
Don’t Serve Sugary Sweets as Snacks Avoid giving sweets to your child as a snack. Give sweets as desserts immediately following a meal. There is an increased amount of saliva (spit) in the mouth during meal time, making it easier to wash food away from teeth.
Drinks Matter Too It is very important for children to stay hydrated. However pediatricians and pediatric dentists agree, children should only drink 4 to ounces of juice a day. Juices should always be given in a cup rather than a sippy cup or bottle.
Beware of Sticky Foods When hearing the word vitamin or fruit, parents automatically think HEALTHY. Beware though, gummy vitamins and fruity snacks tend to stick to the teeth much more than chocolate. Be sure your kids brush their teeth after taking vitamins or eating fruit snacks.
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