1 EMI’s “Bright Future” Solar Project CENTRAL in Jackson – Entergy Property Tracking with tilted axis – Estimated annual yield of 917,400 kWh
2 Example - 1X Tracking System – Hinds Site EMI’s “Bright Future” Solar Project CENTRAL in Jackson – Entergy Property Tracking with tilted axis – Estimated annual yield of 917,400 kWh
SOUTH in Brookhaven – Industrial Park ROW Fixed tilt system with an estimated annual output of 776,000 kwh 3 EMI’s “Bright Future” Solar Project
SOUTH in Brookhaven – Industrial Park ROW Fixed tilt system with an estimated annual output of 776,000 kwh 4 EMI’s “Bright Future” Solar Project
5 Example - 1X Tracking System – Hinds Site EMI’s “Bright Future” Solar Project NORTH AND SOUTH ARRAYS Fixed tilt racking system facing south at 20°
6 Web-Accessible Live Monitoring For Each Site EMI’s “Bright Future” Solar Project
Potential Wind Capacity Source: Page 7 30 meters 100 feet 80 meters 262 feet 110 meters 360 feet 140 meters 460 feet
Potential Wind Capacity Source: Page 7 30 meters 100 feet 80 meters 262 feet 110 meters 360 feet 140 meters 460 feet
Potential Wind Capacity Source: Page 7 30 meters 100 feet 80 meters 262 feet 110 meters 360 feet 140 meters 460 feet
Potential Wind Capacity Source: Page 7 30 meters 100 feet 80 meters 262 feet 110 meters 360 feet 140 meters 460 feet
Extra High Voltage (EHV) 500,000 Volt System (500kV) High Voltage (HV) 230,000 Volt System (230kV) 115,000 Volt System (115kV) Substations Generation Sources Load Serving Substations EMI owns approximately 217 Substations and 2900 miles of transmission lines EMI’s Transmission System
EE/DSM vs. supply-side options Page 12 Source: DoE, EIA 2014 Annual Energy Outlook; U.S. Average LCOE (2012 $/MWh) for Plants Entering Service in 2019 (excluding subsidies)