Syllabus Review and Course Introduction Mitzy D. Flores, MSN, RN NURS 323 Fall 2015
Class Class is every Thursday Class starts promptly Please be punctual Attendance is mandatory Please notify me ahead of time if you will not be attending class
Communication - primary line of communication Must use WebCampus account (No Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) Please provide a subject with s Check daily I will respond to within 24 – 48 hours (Mon – Fri)
Communication Cell: (for emergencies) Don’t forget to check announcements!! Text messaging is not an appropriate form of communication Please share any concerns
Housekeeping Rules No cell phones (need to be on silent) No Bluetooth No texting/taking pictures Recording/streaming lecture is permissible with presenter’s approval Any other use, duplication, sharing, or posting of lecture material is prohibited No recording is permitted during exam reviews or discussion of test items
Course Assessments Exams (4) [12.5% each exam]50% Comprehensive Final Exam25% Tickets to Class (5)7% Study Mate Assignments3% ATI Tutorial Modules & Quizzes10% ATI Pharmacology Non-Proctored Practice Test5% TOTAL100%
Exams No additional time is granted if late Makeup available for excused absences Exams will be reviewed in class (see policy) Concerns/appointments about the exam must be addressed with the instructor within 48 hours of the exam review No individual appointments will be granted if a student misses the class review
Exam Review Policy The exam review is an opportunity for students to learn the rationales for correct answers and to clarify concepts Inquiries to clarify responses are welcomed - however, the review is not a time for students to argue for additional points If student behavior becomes unruly or uncivil, the exam/quiz review will be terminated Individual exam/quiz review request must be made within 48 hours of the group review
Exam Dates ExamContentDate 1Chapters 1-12Sept 10 2Chapters 13 – 21Oct 8 3Chapters 22-31Oct 29 4Chapters , 38, & 39Nov 12 Final Comprehensive + Chapters 37, Dec 3
Grading Scale A C A C B D B 83-87D B D C F <60 **Minimum grade needed to pass this course = 75.0 The final course grade will be rounded to a whole number only after a 75% is achieved on exam scores
Important Dates Fall 2015 Full Session Last day to drop course August 30 – 100% refund (without “W) September 6 – 50% refund (with “W”) September 7: Labor Day – No classes October 12-17: Midterms October 29: Last day to withdraw (with “W”) October 30: Nevada Day – No classes November 11: Veterans Day – No classes November 26-28: Thanksgiving Holiday – No classes December 7-12: Finals
Standards of Nursing Practice American Nurses Association. (2001). Code of Ethics for Nurses. Silver Springs, MD: American Nurses Publishing American Nurses Association. (2001). Scope and Standards of Practice. Silver Springs, MD: American Nurses Publishing NSC BSN Student Handbook
Academic Integrity NSC is committed to a learning environment that embraces honesty Faculty, students, and administrators share responsibility for maintaining this environment of academic honesty and integrity, accepting responsibility for all actions, personal and academic Each member of the NSC community is expected to read, understand and uphold the values identified and described for academic integrity as outlined in the BSN Student Handbook
Netiquette Be professional, respectful, and thoughtful in all communication Practice professional standards in all your course communications NSC students should become familiar with the Code of Academic and Professional Conduct found in the BSN Student Handbook and should treat fellow students, faculty and staff within these standards State-College-Student-Code-of-Conduct-and-Policies State-College-Student-Code-of-Conduct-and-Policies
“Respect is a two-way street, if you want to get it, you've got to give it.” ― R. G. Risch
Classroom incivility is any action that interferes with a harmonious and cooperative learning atmosphere in the classroom Uncivil behavior disrupts and negatively effects the overall learning environment Uncivil behavior violates the norms of mutual respect in the teaching-learning environment
Uncivil Behaviors Consistently arriving late to class Sleeping in class Disapproving groans or sighs Inattention Acting bored or apathetic Talking in class Making sarcastic remarks/gestures Cheating or other academic integrity violations Source: Nilson, L., & Jackson, N. (2004). Combating classroom misconduct (incivility) with bill of rights. International Consortium for Educational Development: Ottawa, Canada
Steps for N323 Success Attend class, listen attentively, take notes, interact Complete assigned readings Complete ATI Tickets to Class & Study Mate Assignments Modules/Quizzes Use course PPTs as an outline to focus on important concepts
Academic Success Center (ASC) and time with Ms. Peggy Lee (CA) Tutoring Sessions One on One Tutoring Sessions Small Group Tutoring Drop in Tutoring Hours Academic Workshops Supplemental Instruction Appointments Hours: M-Th 8:00 am – 4:30 pm; Fridays 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Online Tutoring is also available from Students may also link to the Smart Thinking site through Canvas
Resource Center for Students with Disabilities (RCSD) Coordinates support services and reasonable accommodations for ADA qualified disabilities If accommodation is needed contact RSCD for an appointment for specific needs (Voice) (TDD)