Jan ILÍK Ministry of Transport, CZ Shaping the future HSR concept for the Czech Republic and CEE
2 tasks: –outer-competitiveness = international (How to get from Berlin to Vienna?) –inner-competitiveness – better attractiveness of rail (comparing to road) –capacity – key factor for further development of railway transport EU policy – HSR part of European transport policy Do we need HS in CZ and CEE?
Infrastructure status quo Total length: km double track: km single track: km electrified: km
4 Hamburg – Wien/Budapest Děčín Ústí n. L. Praha Current problems on trunk routes Low technical parameters → need of new HS/high capacity lines Lack of capacity – same infrastructure for all train segments → need of segregation Not all directions covered – Praha – Wroclaw What should be a role of railways in the future?
Double-speed Europe? ??? CZ as EU inner periphery in long distance services? ? CZ as integral part of Europe – „transport watershed“ The idea we understand as threat… … but we act as its supporters! ?
TEN-T = European wide challenge… TEN-T European transport policy 3 core network corridors across CZ Baltic-Adriatic: Gdańsk – Warszawa – Ostrava/Žilina – Wien – Bologna (HSR in CZ) Orient/East-Med: Hamburg – Praha – Budapest – Sofia – Athina/Bulgarian-Turkish border (HSR in CZ) Rhein-Danube (northern branch only) Strasbourg – Stuttgart – Praha – Košice – SK/UA border – „without HSR“ project in CZ challenge for CZ and CEE: reconfiguration of railwaz network for 21 st century realize new backbone – CZ + CE competitiveness increase for long distance passenger, commuter and freight = railway as EQUAL CHOICE tool of regional development
…and national challange it is more than railway development programme possibility of EU co- financing long-running program (20 – 30 year) macroeconomic effects –konw-how development → national competitiveness –employment –construction –machinery –research + education –IT –…
8 Rapid services RS high-speed in CZ = RS flexible approach – technical and operational solutions: ⁻combination of new and modernized lines for higher speeds ⁻more segments of trains operated on new infrastructure (not only long distance) – maximize accessibility of rail transport ⁻phasing (step by step) ⁻gradual speed increase (time slots) RS
RS backbone of rail transport RS for several segments of long-distance and interregional transport: –international (ICE,TGV): –national (express, IC): interregional (RegioExpress): basic principles: –part of long-distance transport in CZ = = no exclusive services –interconnection with other modes („exists“ to current network + terminals (integration (train, bus, car, P&R) –accessibility for the whole population Long distance HS trains Long distance IC trains Suburban HS trains
RS benefits/passenger spatial accessibility - radical change within CZ and EU HS suburban railway – commuting up to 1 hour: shift 60 km → 150 km better spatial coverage –HS terminals as a gate to their hinterland –terminals = RS + regional trains, buses, P+R integration = chance for better performance of all modes –fast and frequent RS as the tool for increase of public transport attractiveness and better efficiency of public subsidies given to public transport Praha/CEE + RS – time accessibility One Day Trip Traffic Flows Synergy
Phasing and realization 1/2 TEN-T (core network – approx. 210 km): Praha – Litoměřice/Lovosice (300 km/h) Brno – Přerov (not decided yet) Brno – Vranovice (new line 300 km/h), Vranovice – Břeclav (upgrade for 200 km/h) Praha – Brno – national priority but new routing proposed (2040)
Phasing and realization 2/2 First phase: new backbone covering all essential traffic flows capacity increase in central railway network – solving current bottlenecks significant time gains (speed up) already in this phase proposed completion
CZ – part of European RFCs (4 freight corridors) new lines = new capacity, capacity release on conventional lines capacity guarantee for freight = higher competitiveness better reliability → attractiveness RS – challenge to reduce heavy road traffic – possibility to break into new cargo market RS benefits/freight
Studies and works ongoing spatial-technical studies (2014 – 16) – detail 1:10 000, spatial planning purposes, solving of conflict localities 2 basic decision-making studies – whole system evaluation –Strategic framework paper – basic information for government about the RS system (for approval) –Technical study – defining technical standards –single construction parts (bridges, tunnels…) where Czech norm and legislation is not available –Maintenance standards –Compatibility of tracks and rolling-stock feasibility studies – final routing decision – first F-S Dresden – Prague –to be launched later this year
15 RESUMÉ modernization of trunk conventional lines close to finalization new long-lasting development programme needed to stay well connected is priority – we need to follow neighbouring countries where the system already exists or is going to be developed chance for employment and national economy competitiveness increase We need to develop railway system for all… i.e. also for those who could use its services already today but there is only a little chance this idea would cross someone’s mind!
Thank you for attention