A mineral is a naturally formed, inorganic solid that has a definite crystalline structure.
To be a mineral a substance must: 1. Be solid 2. Be inorganic (of non-living origin) 3. Be formed in nature (not man-made) 4. Have a crystalline structure
Examples of Minerals QuartzGold FeldsparDiamond MicaTalc
7 Properties to Identify Crystals 1. color- the appearance of the mineral 2. hardness-the resistance to being scratched 3. luster-the way the surface reflects light 4. streak-the color of a mineral in powdered form 5. cleavage-to break among smooth, flat surfaces 6. fracture-to break unevenly along curved surfaces 7. density- how much matter in a given amount of space
A rock is naturally occurring solid mixture of one or more minerals and organic matter.
Igneous Rocks Created from magma (below the surface) or lava above the surface of the Earth. They are characterized by grain size and texture: coarse or fine grained.
Intrusive Formed below the surface Coarse grains because it cools very slowly below the surface. Minerals are large and have visible crystals Granite Gabbro Extrusive Formed above the surface near volcanoes Fine grains because it cools quickly on the surface. Minerals are very small or have no crystals at all. Rhyolite Basalt
Sedimentary Rocks Created through the process of erosion, deposition, and compaction. Stratification is process in which sedimentary rocks are arranged in layers. Strata is a single horizontal layer of rock. They are classified by the way they form: clastic, chemical, and organic.
Clastic Made of fragments of rocks that are cemented together. They can have three types of grains: 1.Coarse_ conglomerate 2.Medium- sandstone 3.Fine_ shale Chemical Formed from solutions of dissolved minerals and water. Halite_ sodium chloride or table salt Organic Forms from the remains of fossils and coral. Limestone Coal- made of decomposed plant material
Metamorphic Rocks Created when temperature and pressure inside the Earth’s crust change. They are characterized by the grain size or textures: foliated and nonfoliated.
Foliated Grains are arranged in planes or bands that are aligned and flat. Mica Chlorite Shale has little heat & pressure = slate Slate more heat & pressure= phyllite Phyllite has heat & pressure = schist Granite has het & pressure = gneiss Nonfoliated Not arranged in bands or planes and is not in alignment but have crytallization Quartzite Marble