Australia's indigenous people Aborigines Australia's indigenous people
Introduction I chose aborigines because they seemed very interesting.I really enjoyed doing this project and i hope you enjoy it too!
Where do aborigines live? 66% of aboriginal people live in NSW,Queensland and Victoria. The population of aborigines is lowest in south Australia (5.6%) and tasmania (3.6%). There are about 93,200 aboriginal people in Australia. The Northern Territory has the largest amount of its population who are aboriginal (30%),compared with 4.7% or less in all other states and the Australian Capital Territory.
Aboriginal Food Since many aboriginal groups were nomadic hunters they dd little in the area of food preparation. Aborigines ate a wide range of plants, animals and insects including certain ants, grubs,beetles fish and eels. Many birds were eaten including waterfowl,scrub fowl,the cassowary and the jabiru. The yellow fat of the goanna (a large Australian lizard) was considered a delicasy.
Aboriginal Weapons Boomerangs: Spears: Spear throwers: the boomerang is a wooden aboriginal implement that has a number of uses,particularly for hunting and fighting. spears are made for killing large animals such as kangaroos and buffalo and need to be made out of strong hardwood to be able to go through the skin of a large fast-moving animal. spear throwers are used with spears to increase the distance they are thrown.
Aboriginal Clothes For most of their existence aboriginal people wore little or no clothes.In some parts of Australia it is highly understandable as climates are consistently warm.
The Dreamtime aboriginal people believed in something called the 'Deamtime' which is the centerpiece of their culture.It is the way they understand the world.In some ways it is similar to the Bible stories,but unlike Bible stories it is a continuing story.The Dreamtime still continues today.
Aboriginal Games And Pastimes Some aborigines play sports such as,rugby,Australian-rules football,cricket and basketball.In some parts of australia aborigines have their own broadcasting radio stations.Aborigines also played games such as,spearing the disc,spin ball,the bullroarer and hunt the object.
Aboriginal music Music is used throughout an aboriginals life to teach them what must be known about their culture.
5 Facts About Aborigines 1.In some aboriginal groups the son-in-law must avoid the mother in law completely. 2.Aborigines invented canoes made of bark and pitch. 3.There are 75 remaining aboriginal languages. 4.Painting on bark is one of the oldest form of aboriginal art. 5.Aborigines originally came from Asia.
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Quiz! Name 1 aboriginal game. Where were aborigines originally from? Why do most aborigines wear no clothes? Why is music used throughout an aboriginals life? Name 2 aboriginal foods.
Answers! 1. spearing the disc,spin ball,the bullroarer and hunt the object 2. Asia 3. Because of the hot climates. 4.To teach them what needs to be known about their culture. 5. Certain ants,grubs,beetles,eels,waterfowl,scrubfowl,the jabiru,the yellow fat of a goanna etc.