Graphic Organizer Notes Sedimentary Rocks Graphic Organizer Notes
Sedimentary Rocks Is when sediments of rocks, plants, or animals are cemented together, at or near the Earth’s surface.
Sedimentary Rocks Forms through 5 processes: weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, and cementation.
Sediments squeezed together to form a rock. Clastic Rock Sediments squeezed together to form a rock.
Conglomerate rock composed of rounded fragments varying from small pebbles to large boulders in a cement (as of hardened clay)
Breccia a rock composed of sharp fragments embedded in a fine-grained matrix (as sand or clay)
Minerals dissolved in a solution crystallize. Chemical Rock Minerals dissolved in a solution crystallize.
Example A – Dolomite
Example B – Limestone (Chemical)
Rock with remains of plants and animals forming layers; fossils Organic Rock Rock with remains of plants and animals forming layers; fossils
Example A – Coal
Example B – Limestone (Organic)
STOP HERE @ this slide for your notes STOP HERE @ this slide for your notes. The slides after this (#14-18) on are vocabulary slides explaining what happens in each step of the formation of sedimentary rocks.
Weathering Running water or wind breaks rocks or organic material into sediments (pieces of rocks, plants, animals).
Running water or wind carries away sediments. Erosion Running water or wind carries away sediments.
Sediment drops out of water or wind. Deposition Sediment drops out of water or wind.
Pressing of sediment together. Compaction Pressing of sediment together.
Dissolved minerals crystallize and glue sediments together. Cementation Dissolved minerals crystallize and glue sediments together.