DEFINATION Broad definition: reasonable, reflecting thinking that is focuses on deciding what to believe or do Criteria: evaluative thinking - Not necessarily negative - Does not always lead to criticism - Can lead to positive conclusion
WHY CT IS IMPORTANT Good thinking is important element of life success Old standard in school cannot be the sole means to judge the failure or success of academic Might be differentiated from creative thinking Need more future research and implementation studies
CHANGES OF CT DEFINITION It has been changing since a decade ago Definition depend on expert from different fields: Dominion of cognitive psychologist, philosophers, behaviorally-oriented psychologist and content specialist Each group made significant contribution in critical thinking understanding Cognitive psychology- find the differences between critical and creative thinking
CONT… Philosophy- ct is a process of thinking to a standard. The process must be guided by belief and impact of behavior or action Behavioral psychology- establish final outcomes and methodologies to be used by educator Content specialist- demonstrate how ct can be taught in different content areas such as reading, literature, mathematics and science. It help student to grip specific knowledge
CT AND TAXONOMY BLOOM The taxonomy Bloom of the cognitive Domain composed of six successive level arranged in hierarchy: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. A true hierarchy & understood: knowledge, comprehension, application and analysis Mixed relationship of hierarchy : synthesis and evaluation (could be separate or combined)
CONT… Type of thinking between Synthesis & evaluation have much in common (the four level of Bloom) but are different in purpose The differences: Evaluation= considered equivalent to critical thinking, focus on making assessment or judgment based on an analysis of a statement or proposition Synthesis= considered more to creative thinking which require an individual to look at parts and relationship (analysis) and then to put together in a new and original way
THE APPROPRIATE RELATION OF S & E The relation between critical/evaluative and creative/synthesis thinking is appropriate Both are used in technique of problem solving and decision making but in different exercise 1 st technique (critical thinking exercise)- more linear and serial, more structured, more rational, analytical and more goal-oriented 2 nd technique (creative thinking exercise)- more holistic and parallel, more emotional and intuitive, more creative, more visual and more tactual/kinesthetic
PROBLEM WITH DEFINITION 1)labeling that good thinking is critical thinking (provided by philosophers) Actually good thinking requires both Found that students were more successful in problem solving when used techniques associated with reason and logic as well as creativity and divergence 2) Confusing that attitudes vs actual thinking process (ex: emotion vs cognition or feeling vs. reasoning
CONT…. Thus; the proposed definition of ct: is the disciplined mental activity of evaluating arguments or proposition and making judgment that can guide the development of beliefs and taking actions. Why good definition of ct is important: - can be compared to other forms of thinking - Ex- non critical thinking in the form of habitual thinking, brainstorming, creative thinking, prejudicial thinking or emotive thinking
MODEL OF CRITICAL THINKING & ITS MODIFICATION How the cognitive process create CT? The critical thinking propose that the cognitive process involved affective, conative, belief and behavioral aspect It’s method is evaluation of argumentation It’s tool is affective disposition It’s result are: confirm previous belief, new belief establish, affective disposition to plan and take action and activated conative component of goal setting and self regulation
CONCEPT OF CRITICAL THINKING 1) Why critical thinking- the problem to make a quality thinking - definition of CT= mode of thinking