Math Curriculum Alignment Workshop Deb Romanek NDE – Math Specialist Carol Jessen and JaLena Slack ESU 8 March 16, 2010
Agenda What’s New from NDE? o Standards o Nebraska State Accountability (NeSA) o Table of Specifications Overview of Nebraska Math Standards Alignment of Curriculum to New Math Standards Next Steps
What’s New from NDE?
Year TestGrade Levels STARS Reading……………………………………………………… STARS Mathematics……………………………………………….. STARS Science……………………………………………………… Statewide Writing Assessment…………………………………… AYP – STARS Reading and Mathematics, Writing (4, 8) Pilot – New State Reading Tests 3-8, High School 4 or 5, 8 and 11 4, 8, and STARS Mathematics……………………………………………….. STARS Science……………………...………………………………… Statewide Writing Test......….....………………………………… New State Reading Tests…………… ……………………. AYP – New State Reading Tests & STARS Mathematics, Writing (4, 8) Pilot – New State Mathematics Tests 3-8, High School 4 or 5, 8, 11 4, 8, , High School STARS Science…………………………………………………….. State Reading Tests………………………………………. State Mathematics Tests………………………………… Statewide Writing Tests…………………………………. AYP – New State Reading and Mathematics Tests, Writing (4, 8) Pilot – New State Science Tests……………………….. 4 or 5, 8, , High School 4, 8, 11 Three Grades State Reading Tests……………………………………… State Mathematics Tests………………………………... State Science Tests……………………………………… Statewide Writing Tests…………………………………. AYP -- State Reading and Mathematics Tests, Writing (4, 8) 3-8, High School Three Grades 4, 8, 11 Reporting Schedule Includes Alternate and Tests for Students with Disabilities
ContentBy Reading-(RWSL)July 1, 2009 MathematicsJuly 1, 2010 Science July 1, 2011 Social StudiesJuly 1, 2013 Standards Revision Schedule
S TANDARDS R EVISION U PDATE Reading – State Board Approved – December 11, 2008 Mathematics – State Board Approved – October 8, 2009 Districts must adopt within one year – December 2009 and October, NeSA-R and NeSA-M built on newly revised standards Science Standards Review Beginning December 2009 Alternate Assessment (For students most cognitively challenged) - same process
Nebraska State Accountability - NeSA State Test Administration Proposal ContentNamePilot Test Year Full Implementation Year Projected Timeline Grades WritingNeSA-W ----OngoingFebruary- weeks 1, 2 4, 8, 11 ReadingNeSA-R Spring3-8, 11 MathNeSA-M Spring3-8, 11 ScienceNeSA-S Spring3 grades 5, 8, 11 Nebraska Department of Education --- CHATS 2008
2010 N E SA T ESTING – W HAT ’ S AHEAD ? 83% of the students will be testing NeSA-Reading online 77% of the students will be field testing – NeSA- Mathematics February 1-19 – NeSA-Writing (English and Spanish) February 15 - March 26 – ELDA March 29-April 30 o NeSA-Reading o NeSA-M (Field test) o NeSA-AA-Reading o NeSA-AA-M (Field test)
What do we know about NeSA-M? Four concepts will be measured: number sense geometric/measurement algebraic data analysis/probability Grades 3 through 8, 11 Two sessions Approximately 60 multiple choice items Including embedded field test items No calculators, but common reference sheet provided. (Student IEP may allow) No student results provided – field testing the items.
D EPTH OF K NOWLEDGE Focuses on content standard in order to successfully complete an assessment/standard task. Descriptive, not a taxonomy Not the same as difficulty
D EPTH OF K NOWLEDGE Webb ’ s Depth of Knowledge levels: Recall and Reproduction: Level 1 Skills & Concepts: Level 2 Strategic Thinking: Level 3 Extended Thinking: Level 4
O NLINE D OCUMENTS Two New Practice Tests – Math and Reading Tables of Specifications – Note change Performance Level Descriptors NeSA Approved Accommodations Alternate Assessment – Extended standards document
C OMMON C ORE S TANDARDS 49 states are participating in a conversation around “Common Core” standards for Language Arts and Mathematics End of High School out now K-12 by the end of the year All states encouraged to adopt
C OMPARISON OF C OMPONENTS Strands Grade Levels SpecificityIndicators NEW OLD
K-12 Comprehensive Content Standard in each section reflects the broad learning standards for students related to mathematics. K-12 Comprehensive Content Standard in each section reflects the broad learning standards for students related to mathematics. NUMBER SENSE CONCEPTS: Students will communicate number sense concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines. GEOMETRIC/MEASUREMENT CONCEPTS: Students will communicate geometric concepts and measurement concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines. ALGEBRAIC CONCEPTS: Students will communicate algebraic concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines. DATA ANALYSIS/PROBABILITY CONCEPTS: Students will communicate data analysis/probability concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines.
Number Sense Concepts: -Number System -Operations -Computation -Estimation Geometric Concepts Measurement Concepts: -Characteristics -Coordinate Geometry -Transformations -Spatial Modeling -Measurement Algebraic Concepts: - Relationships -Modeling in Context -Procedures Data Analysis/Probability Concepts: -Display and Analysis -Predictions and Inferences -Probability Concept Organizers
T IERS OF S PECIFICITY K-12 Comprehensive Content Standards Identify broad K-12 learning standards for students related to mathematics Grade Level Standards Statements that identify what students know and be able to do by the end of each identified grade Curricular Indicators Examples that further define what a student should learn at each specified grade level
Vertical Format of Standards Nebraska Mathematics Standards Kindergarten MA 0.1 Students will communicate number sense concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines. MA Number System: Students will demonstrate, represent, and show relationships among whole numbers within the base-ten number system. MA a Count, read and write numbers 0 – 20 MA b Count objects using one-to-one correspondence MA c Sequence objects using ordinal numbers (1 st through 5 th ) MA d Match numerals to the quantities they represent 0-20, using a variety of models and representations
Horizontal Format of Standards
NUMBER SENSE CONCEPTS: Students will communicate number sense concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines. GEOMETRIC CONCEPTS AND MEASUREMENT CONCEPTS: Students will communicate geometric concepts and measurement concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines. ALGEBRAIC CONCEPTS: Students will communicate algebraic concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines. DATA ANALYSIS/PROBABILITY CONCEPTS: Students will communicate data analysis/probability concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines. Mathematics Standards
C ITE E XAMPLES OF THE F IVE P ROCESSES Spring Board Video 1 Video Clip 2
Based on the new math standards, are there any additions or changes to your math curriculum?
K-12 Comprehensive Content Standards Grade Level Standards Curricular Indicators Local Curriculum Lesson Plans Classroom Instructional Strategies Specific Strategies for Individual Students Determined by Local School Districts/ Classroom Teachers Determined by State Board Guidance for Districts, Schools, and Teachers Determined by State Board Required for all Standards Curriculum Instruction
1. Review the new standards document, noticing the color-coding and the format. 2. Align current curricular statements (The Learner Will) with the new standards by starting with number sense standards (yellow) and your curricular document (The Learner Will statements).
3. Align remaining curricular statements using the same process. 4. Identify Gaps—What is missing in your current curricular document? 5. Begin the process of adding new TLW statements in your electronic format.
What Should Every District Do? Examine the new standards documents. - Alignment to curriculum -Alignment with current local assessment Involve all staff. Examine all local assessments and their uses. Which are critical?
Math Action Plan
K EEP I NFORMED Mathematics: www. dards
3 – 2 – 1 C OUNTDOWN 3 Ideas or insights that have come to mind are: 2Questions or issues I still have are: 1Action I will take immediately is: