SUPPORTING PEOPLE PROVIDER FORUMS Evaluation of Supporting People customer Engagement Pilot work 1
Introduction and Background In 2012 changes were made to the performance monitoring and quality assurance process, and this included changes to the way we engage with customers The initial proposals for customer engagement were taken to the customer engagement working group Members of the customer engagement group offered further suggestions A series of pilot sessions held with a range of client groups 2
Main Objectives To encourage greater participation from customers and to obtain meaningful feedback about their experience of housing support, and also to explore the difference the support has made to them To better understand the impact a service has had on the customers 3
Range of Approaches From the meetings with the members of the customer engagement group a range of possible approaches groups were identified. These different approaches were used with the pilot groups in order to: Give customers the chance to give us feedback about the approaches SP team to gain confidence in delivering different approaches. 4
Engagement Approaches The following approaches were used during the pilots: World Cafe Approach Discussion Cards Timeline/Journey Snakes & Ladders Satisfaction survey Questionnaire (easy read format) 5
World Cafe Approach – Based on an informal cafe for customers to explore topics by discussing in small groups The World cafe is a creative process designed to capture free flowing thoughts and ideas A session was held with the supporting people team members to introduce them to the world cafe approach 6
Discussions - Discussion Cards – Based on a series of statements which are designed to encourage open discussion and debate Timeline/Journey – Use to encourage customers to consider the changes and the impact that being in the service has brought about for them 7
Games Big Difference/No Difference – The use of prompt cards based on the standard outcomes which are designed to encourage discussion around how much difference the support has made to the customers Snake & Ladders – A snakes & ladders board accompanied by discussion cards 8
Survey & Questionnaire Satisfaction survey A quick survey to be undertaken at the end of the engagement session which is designed to provide an overall satisfaction rating Questionnaire (Easy Read format) Replaces the Have Your Say questionnaire 9
Customer Feedback from the Pilots The approach used in the session helped you feel comfortable to discuss your experience and to join in? Found it comfortable being able to see the prompt questions and the pictures (general discussion cards) A perfect way to obtain feedback and would like to do it more often (snakes & ladders) Found it relaxing and happy to talk about experiences (World Cafe) Others may not enjoy it, and might see it as childish (Snakes & Ladders) 10
Customer Feedback from the Pilots The sessions would work better if somebody from within your service/volunteer ran the session? Some people wanted a customer to deliver the session Some suggested a mixture of volunteers and customers Others felt that they wanted an external person to run the sessions 11
Customer Feedback from the Pilots Could there be improvements to the approaches which would encourage further discussion? Don't assume that people know what you are doing, you need to explain the purpose at the start of the session Provide questionnaires for people who can't come to the session Come more often Make the satisfaction rating exercise anonymous rather than doing this on a group basis 12
Learning Points A pre-meeting should take place with service managers to plan the session A client could be invited to attend the planning session, where appropriate Sessions generally work better with smaller groups De-briefing session with service managers 13
Learning Points Young people need more warming up time/ice breakers at the start of the session In sheltered housing it is important to clearly identify the areas that we are seeking feedback on (Your Property & You) 14
What Happens now? The Performance Monitoring and Quality Assurance - Client Engagement document is being amended to reflect the learning and the information that has been collected from this work The new engagement approaches will be included in the contract reviews which are due to start in June/July The use of volunteers to support the work of client engagement may be developed in the future 15