V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Volunteer Centre Study 2008 Findings, Opportunities and Strategic Initiatives
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Purpose To capture and document the current landscape of the Canadian Volunteer Centre Network and gain a better understanding of their infrastructure, programs and services.
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Overview Conducted in Fall % response rate 73 surveys completed Minimal data on the province of Quebec
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Survey Structure Profiling Information Programs & Services Marketing and Community Relations Volunteer Canada Priorities
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information - Findings Structure Stand-alone non-profit – 61% Registered charity – 79%
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information - Findings Location: Downtown – 55% Near downtown – 29% Suburban – 5% Rural – 4% Virtual – 2% Other – 5%
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information - Findings Sources of Funding Earned revenue – 59% United Way – 53% Provincial Government – 51% Fundraising Activities / Donations – 51% Municipal Government – 45% Corporate – 45% Foundations – 30% Lotteries – 25% Federal Government – 19%
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information - Findings Priorities: Promotion / increasing visibility – 62% Funding – 38% Community Networking – 23% Human Resources – 16% Training – 15%
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information - Findings Membership 65% have a membership structure 69% charge a fee On average < $10,000 in earned revenue Members are – nonprofits, individuals Benefits – promotion, reduced pricing on products, recruitment, training
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information - Findings Use of Technology Computers / / internet – 100% Website – 93% Fax – 92% Voic – 84% Online tools / resources – 36% Blackberries – 10%
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information Opportunities and Strategic Initiatives Community relevance Community leadership Delivery of strong programs and services Leadership on issues / trends in volunteerism Strong structure and foundation Technology Membership
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Programs & Services Findings Organizations served – 25% / over 200 Individuals served – 16% / over 5,000
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A 13 Programs & Services Findings Services Volunteer Matching Training and Consulting Services National Volunteer Week Resource centres
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Programs & Services Opportunities and Strategic Initiatives Leadership to align opportunities with trends Outreach strategies to potential volunteers Recognize importance of strong organizational structures Access to research Promote volunteerism throughout the year
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Marketing and Community Relations Findings Media Relations Press releases for spec. occasions – 90% Designated media contact person – 68% Regularly sends information – 56% Regular column / radio spot – 52% Have taken media training – 30%
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Marketing and Community Relations Findings Role in the Community Attend community meetings – 75% Community committee participation – 73% Coordinates community meetings – 42% Part of disaster response plan – 40%
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Marketing and Community Relations Opportunities and Strategic Initiatives Marketing and communications planning Ongoing promotion of volunteerism Community mapping Case for support
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Volunteer Canada Priorities Findings Promoting volunteerism – 78% Volunteer centre relations – 67% National dialogues / public policy – 65% Capacity bldg on vol involvement – 65% Strategic alliances – 60% KD / Trend Identification – 58%
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Volunteer Canada Priorities Findings
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Volunteer Canada Priorities Findings
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Volunteer Canada Priorities Opportunities and Strategic Initiatives Continued focus on vol. centre relationships Work with volunteer centres to build strong foundations Building leadership – Exec Directors Technology support Responding to trends Relationship with provincial associations
V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Current Activities / Next Steps 22