DSRIP in Action Update Regional LC Events Update Poster Presentation Reminder Focused Cohorts Waiver Updates
DSRIP in Action Our First DY5 DSRIP in Action was last Friday, March 19, 2016 at the City of Amarillo Department of Public Health. We had a total of 18 attendees from 13 different Provider locations in our Region. We heard from both of the Amarillo health department’s DSRIP projects - ARAD – Amarillo’s Recovery from Alcohol and Drugs - Mobile Immunization Clinic
ARAD provides substance abuse treatment in an outpatient treatment setting for individuals that reside in Amarillo shelters. Partner with local shelters Attendees are provided transportation & lunch To date they have had 415 people attend the treatment program and have only a 10% readmission.
The Mobile Immunization Unit in Amarillo is focused on providing immunizations to Potter and Randall County Target population is indigent and Medicaid adults 19 years of age and older. Patients are asked to pay $5 per immunization but are not turned away due to inability to pay Set up at community events through out the counties and partner with TTUHSC Hosted a Pet vaccination & microchipping day Since the first Event Oct Oct DY4: ◦ 3,491 doses have been given. ◦ 1,522 people have visited the mobile clinic.
We are very excited for our first DY5 Regional Learning Collaborative Event scheduled for March 16th at University Medical Center. LATER START: Our Tentative Agenda has Breakfast beginning at 9:00am, welcome at 9:45am and first speaker at 10:00am, 4pm We have a block of rooms available for the event at the Arbor Hotel and Conference Center for the evening of March 15 th.
Out of our 40 registrants for the event we only have 2 who have signed up for posters. We would like to encourage all of you to participate. We will be more than happy to print your poster for you! Please send your information to us via “template style” and we will take care of the rest for you! These are great learning tools and everyone learns from your presentations. Please contact Sandy James if you are interested in presenting a poster. **Remember all posters are voted on and there will be a 1 st and 2 nd place winner with prizes!
Cohorts We are currently gathering feedback from the survey we sent out last week to gauge interest in Cohorts. From the responses we’ve received so far we have several people interested in participating. F ocused Focused Cohorts are great learning tools that will bring value through learning, sharing and supporting success.
Bobbye Hrncirik
All providers that wish to participate in FFY 2016 DSH and/or in the DY 5 UC program are required to complete an application ◦ DEADLINE is February 26, 2016
Last week Myers & Stauffer sent out another round of request for CAT 3 baseline reviews. CAT 1&2 Validation-MSLC has notified providers of the metrics that were selected for review and continues to reach out to providers to request additional data and sample documentation.
HHSC continues to discuss with CMS Based on discussions thus far HHSC believes a months extension is likely. CMS asked Texas to explore further integration of DSRIP with MCO’s. HHSC explained operational complexities and the high low income uninsured population. CMS understands but asked HHSC to continue exploring potential options.
Non-QPI Milestones (core component reporting and sustainability planning) - Milestones are pay-for-reporting. ◦ The core component reporting template questions for DY6 will be the questions from the current "Project Summary" tab in the DSRIP Online Reporting System (i.e., "Project Overview: Accomplishments", "Project Overview: Challenges", etc.) ◦ HHSC is working to develop the sustainability planning template questions.
Project Replacement/Continuation ◦ HHSC has notified those projects that are not eligible to continue – NONE in Region 12 ◦ All Providers will decide by summer 2016 if they want to replace or continue current projects, but will have until March 2017 to change their minds with no financial penalty. ◦ Current HHSC Timeline for DY7 protocols 10/1/2016-DY7 Protocol Information for replacement projects/Protocols for leftover funds. 1/1/2017-Draft protocol for continuing projects
Performance Bonus Pool ◦ Utilize CY 2015 as a baseline (ICHP data) ◦ HHSC is still working to finalize measures and is soliciting feedback by March 23, 2016 ◦ An updated Community needs assessment will be needed prior to regional PBP measure selection.
In DY6 all providers who currently are less than $250K all funds will have the choice to be brought up to a minimum valuation level of $250,000 valuation per year. ◦ Lynn Plains Memorial ◦ Hemphill CountyParmer County ◦ Collingsworth General ◦ Muleshoe Medical Center
CAT 3 Transition Year – CMS has noted that we have proposed no P4P component in DY6. HHSC is requesting feedback on these changes if CMS requires: ◦ DY6 goals set at 25% over baseline for QISMC outcomes & 12.5% gap closure over baseline for IOS outcomes. IOS – Survey outcomes still to be determined ◦ Valuation would remain consistent with DY5 ◦ Partial Payment for positive directionality over DY goal ◦ P4R & Maintenance outcomes would continue as they are with additional activity TBD Several Operational Issues to be resolved.