Vermont Yankee
Boiling Water Reactor
Reactor Building Carbon steel 370 Ci/m3 Concrete 3.8 Ci/m3 Spent fuel pool
Reactor Vessel and Internals 2.9 Million Ci/m 3
Radioactivity as a Function of Time
Decommissioning Alternatives Dismantlement – remove all radioactive materials. Terminate license, except for spent fuel and hot core components. In VT, hopefully return to greenfield. Safstor – remove much of external contamination. After cooling 5 years, all fuel in storage casks. Remove cooling water pipes. Seal up reactor internals and wait. Revise license.
CT Yankee Dry Storage
Dry Storage Cask
Cask 1.0
Hi-Star 100 Cask
Remaining Amts to Collect YearVT Nuclear PwrEntergy 2000 to Amt in Fund ‘ Total Estd Decom Cost
Entergy Misses the Mark
TLG Projected Costs to Decom VY
What must be done? 1.While the labor force is intact, immediate steps must be taken. VY will have to produce a decom plan for NRC, but we need a site survey now. 2.Safe, careful dismantlement must start asap. No guarantee SAFSTOR will lead to sufficient decom fund. The financial risk is too high. 3.Sufficient funds must be available to dismantle the reactor, dispose of waste, including fuel and bring the VY site to greenfield condition. 4.VT must do an independent economic audit, and ensure the decom fund is fully funded.
Money in Decom Fund Money at Year End 2001 $ $ $ $ $ $ $428.4 Interest Rate Int rate 6.2% (est) (above cpi) Real cumulative rate 4.2% Average CPI infl rate 2.4% Net rate 1.8% (above cpi)
Comparison CT and VT Yankees CT Yankee 619 MWe PWR $871 Million Shutdown 1996 Payments to 2015 DECON VT Yankee 620 MWe BWR $893 Million (estimate) $600 Million (TLG) ?? Shutdown 2012 Pay out to 2019 DECON Rate return 8.85% Amt Trust Fund $420 M