Thursday February 5 th 2015 Options Process 2015 – YEAR 9 This presentation is available on the school website. Go to the parents section.
To outline the process and timescale To introduce the option subjects for 2015 To offer general advice and guidance to support your children Tonight’s aims
The Process Feb 6th-12 th : in assemblies, teachers will explain courses Feb 26th: annual parents’ consultation evening Feb 27th-Mar 12 th :guidance interviews with senior staff Mar 13th:deadline for submission of the form March-April:reserve choice discussions with pupils/parents By May 1st:confirmation of offer
Core English Maths Science PE CEIAG Ethics and Philosophy Options Choose 4 courses from a mix of qualifications either GCSE or BTEC. After-school Optional. Choose a course to follow in addition to the options. Studying a language is optional but you are strongly advised to choose a language.
Core 2015 EnglishMathsScienceIAGCORE PEEthics and Philosophy GCSE not accredited English Language and English Literature for all (with some exceptions) Whether or not Statistics can be offered in top sets will be determined by the department after the first year of the new Maths GCSE. Science teachers will decide whether a pupil should take Dual Award or Triple Science. Some may do Entry Level. Young Enterprise and Work Experience in Year 10. Pathways to post-16 in Year 11. Practical lessons for all. A variation of RE taught through PSHE days and form time sessions.
Options 2015 Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4 ART COMPUTER SCIENCE BUSINESS STUDIESCATERINGFRENCHFOUNDATION Learning CATERINGDRAMAGEOGRAPHYFRENCH CONSTRUCTIONENGINEERINGHEALTH SOCIAL CAREGEOGRAPHY DRAMAFRENCHHISTORY (ANCIENT)GERMAN FOUNDATION LearningGEOGRAPHYHISTORY (MODERN) FRENCHHISTORY (MODERN)PESPANISH GEOGRAPHYMUSICRE HAIRDRESSINGPRODUCT DESIGN HISTORY (MODERN)RE PRODUCT DESIGN Pupils need to choose one subject from each block. Foundation Learning by invitation only. Pupils cannot do Ancient History and Modern History. Pupils need to choose one subject from each block. Foundation Learning by invitation only. Pupils cannot do Ancient History and Modern History. After-school courses (extra to your options – but not a club!) DanceMusic Technology
What to do… Step 1 Choose one subject from each block Step 2 Choose up to three reserves taken from any block Step 3 Decide whether or not to do an after- school course Step 4 Meet with parents and school to discuss choices. Step 5 Hand in the form by March 13 th to the form tutor.
COPE – Certificate of Personal Effectiveness FOUNDATION- (also Entry Level) HAIRDRESSING – City and Guilds course COPE – Certificate of Personal Effectiveness FOUNDATION- (also Entry Level) HAIRDRESSING – City and Guilds course NCFE (Music Tech.) – Level 2 (coursework based, applied) NCFE (Music Tech.) – Level 2 (coursework based, applied) Applied and vocational 80% coursework Pass, Merit and Distinction All Level 2 except Construction Applied and vocational 80% coursework Pass, Merit and Distinction All Level 2 except Construction Academic and traditional Examination at the end Controlled assessments Higher A*-C, Foundation D-G In English and Maths 1-9 Academic and traditional Examination at the end Controlled assessments Higher A*-C, Foundation D-G In English and Maths 1-9 Qualifications GCSE BTEC Other – Level 2 Other – Level 1 Level 3 Post-16, e.g. A level, Applied, International Baccalaureate, Advanced apprentice 2A*C GCSE and equivalent 1D-G GCSE and equivalent
English Baccalaureate This is the government’s initiative to promote a balance of traditional subjects being studied in schools. It is possible that some universities in the future may favour those pupils with the Ebacc. This may be something some employers also look for in the future. Pupils should, however, also choose what they enjoy. A*-C GCSE passes in each: English Maths Science or Computing (2 GCSEs) History (Ancient or Modern) or Geography French, German or Spanish You need all five to achieve the English Baccalaureate A*-C GCSE passes in each: English Maths Science or Computing (2 GCSEs) History (Ancient or Modern) or Geography French, German or Spanish You need all five to achieve the English Baccalaureate
New GCSEs English and Maths These are new style GCSEs – more demanding, more content, greater focus on exams at the end of Year 11. Different Grades Pupils will be awarded a grade on a number scale 1-9 with 9 the highest. 9 is the same as the very best A*, 7 is the same as an A, 4 is the same as a C.
Rough Guide to Potential Year 9 Level Most likely GCSE grade Year 9 Level Most likely GCSE grade Year 9 Level Most likely GCSE grade 3b or lower F or lower5cD or C6aB or A 3aE or F5bC7cA 4cE5aC7bA 4bD or E6cC or B7aA or A* 4aD6bB8a, b or cA* Level 1 or 2 BTEC /Foundation Level 2 BTEC/GCSELevel 2 GCSE Fischer Family Trust data also gives a more specific subject estimate based on KS2 results
New GCSE changes
Rough Guide to Potential (English and Maths) End of Y9Old GCSENew GCSE 8aA* (top 20%)9 8b, 8c, (7a)A*8 7a, 7b, 7cA7 6a, 6bB6 6cB/C5 5a, 5bC4 5c, 4a, 4bD/E3 4c, 3a, 3bE/F2
Suggested process for parents Read through the booklet with your child Encourage your child to listen to the subject descriptions in assemblies Encourage you child to ask questions: Form Tutor, Subject Teacher, Subject Leader, Pastoral Leader, Senior Teacher Attend the guidance interview if possible. Encourage them to consider reserve choices carefully. Use the green form to practise and keep it for your own records. Complete the blue form with your child Ensure your child hands in the blue form to his/her form tutor by the deadline The deadline is MARCH 13 TH 2015 There is NO ADVANTAGE to handing in the form early. No forms are processed until after the deadline. Forms should be handed in after the guidance interview. However, if your son/daughter misses the deadline, he/she may not be offered his/her first choices. PLEASE DON’T HAND IT IN LATE There is NO ADVANTAGE to handing in the form early. No forms are processed until after the deadline. Forms should be handed in after the guidance interview. However, if your son/daughter misses the deadline, he/she may not be offered his/her first choices. PLEASE DON’T HAND IT IN LATE
Things to consider Is it a subject he/she enjoys? How well is he/she likely to do in the subject based on current performance? What does he/she want to do in the future? Do these choices keep all his/her options open? Have you checked the entry requirements for the next step? or Is it a balanced set of options? Is he/she able to achieve the English Baccalaureate? How well will he/she cope with the assessments? Can he/she meet the extra commitments? What are the skills he/she needs to develop for post 16 and careers?
Very important! What we tell them… DON’T do it because your friend is going to DON’T do it because you like the teacher DON’T do it because you think it will be easy DON’T rush into your decision
ATTENDANCE AND ATTAINMENT What is your child’s attendance like this year? Year 9 average attendance from September to February = 94.7%
What is the impact of 90% attendance? 90% attendance = ½ day missed every week!! MonTueWedThurFri ? Absent half a day every week 90% over 5 years = 20 weeks Or HALF A YEAR MISSED
% chance of 5A*-CEM
‘Dave’ – Balanced (non-Ebacc) Music Tech.
‘Debbie’ – Balanced (non-Ebacc)
‘Don’ – Balanced (Ebacc)
‘Deidre’ – Dual Linguist (Ebacc) GCSE Dance
‘Derek’ – Lacks breadth
‘Daphne’ – Foundation Learner
‘Darren’ – Foundation Learner
SUPPORT Form Tutor/Ms. Macehiter Subject Teacher/Head of Department Mrs Burr/Careers library College prospectuses
Next Steps Feb 26th – Parents’ Evening From Feb 27th – Guidance Interviews March 13 th – Deadline May 1st – Letter of confirmation If we need to use reserve choices this will be discussed with you and your child. These discussions will usually take place before Easter. Guidance Interview 15 minute in school time, by appointment Parent, pupil + member of SLT or Mrs Hastings or Mrs Macehiter Look at choices and post-16 aspirations Review report where relevant to choices Check for balance and appropriate course choices Offer advice/answer questions Guidance Interview 15 minute in school time, by appointment Parent, pupil + member of SLT or Mrs Hastings or Mrs Macehiter Look at choices and post-16 aspirations Review report where relevant to choices Check for balance and appropriate course choices Offer advice/answer questions Subject Leaders are now available in the Music and Art rooms.