1.Log into your student account in Think Central. 2.Click on My Library. 3.Click on Journeys Student Book G Click on Enter Book. 5.Use the contents tab to find the assigned text. 6.Read or listen to the assigned story. 7.Choose two main characters from the selection. 8.Compare and contrast these characters using the double bubble thinking map. You will need at least 2 statements for comparison and at least 2 statements for contrast. 9.Turn in your completed double bubble thinking map. This task uses: k6.thinkcentral.com/ePC/start.do Learning Objective(s): TSW learn to compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text. RL.5.3 Compare and Contrast
1.Read the assigned text. 2.Choose 2 main characters from the assigned selection. 3.Compare and contrast these characters using the double bubble thinking map. You will need at least 2 statements for comparison and at least 2 statements for contrast. 4.Open Microsoft Word on the computer to write a comparison paragraph and a contrast paragraph using the details from your double bubble. 5.Be sure to proofread and edit your paragraphs checking the spelling, grammar, and punctuation. You can locate the spelling/grammar check under the review tab. 6.Print a final copy of your completed compare and contrast essay. This task uses: Microsoft Word Learning Objective(s): TSW learn to compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text. RL.5.3
Compare and Contrast 1.Read the assigned text. 2.Choose 2 main characters from the assigned selection. 3.Compare and contrast these characters using the double bubble thinking map. You will need at least 2 statements for comparison and at least 2 statements for contrast. 4.Go to the vocaroo online voice recorder at 5.You will create a vocaroo recording that compares and contrasts the two main characters using the details from your double bubble. Be sure to include your student number on the recording. 6.Save your completed recording as a QR code. 7.Right click on top of your QR code and select print. 8.Carefully cut out your QR code leaving a white border around it. Use the i-nigma app on the i-Pad to make sure your QR code is working. 9.Attach your QR code to your class bulletin board. 10.Log into Blackboard and insert your saved QR code as a picture in the “Compare and Contrast” Discussion Board. 11.Use the i-nigma app on the i-Pad to listen to a classmate’s vocaroo from your class bulletin board. 12.Reply to a classmate’s vocaroo recording on the Compare and Contrast discussion board in Blackboard. This task uses: i-nigma app Learning Objective(s): TSW learn to compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text. RL.5.3
Compare and Contrast 1.Read the assigned text. 2.Choose 2 main characters from the assigned selection. 3.Compare and contrast these characters using the double bubble thinking map. You will need at least 2 statements for comparison and at least 2 statements for contrast. 4.Go to the createqrcode website Type a compare and contrast essay using the details from your double bubble. Be sure to include your student number in the essay. 6.Click on Create QR Code. 7.Right click on top of the QR code and select print. 8.Carefully cut out your QR code leaving a white border around it. Use the i-nigma app on the i-Pad to make sure your QR code is working. 9.Attach your QR code to your class bulletin board. 10.Choose a QR code from another class bulletin board and use the i-nigma app on the i-Pad to read the compare and contrast essay. 11.In the compare and contrast discussion board in Blackboard, create a thread and discuss the similarities and differences between your essay and the chosen essay from the other class bulletin board. 12.Read and provide a comment or feedback to at least one other student’s posting. This task uses: i-nigma app Learning Objective(s): TSW learn to compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text. RL.5.3