Review-VOICE OFF Practice ABC’s forward and backward with partner beside you. Make sure you have correct hand shape. Practice until you can do the ABC’s without looking up to see what it is. Practice Numbers 0-10 Forward and Backwards 10-0 Sign your Birthday, Age, and Phone number. Unit 1
Review Hello HI What’s up? How are you? What’s up? How are you? Sleepy To be happy Nothing, not much So-So Same old, the usual To be Busy To be Tired Confused To be good, Well I’m fine. Good Morning Afternoon Evening, Night Oh- I-See Thank you Yes/No Deaf Friend Hard of Hearing Hearing To Introduce To meet Want
DEAF Knowledge *DVD* Interacting with Deaf People Getting Attention Voices Question-Maker Do you “talk” silently while signing?
Question-Maker (Notes) DVD- Notes Raising your eyebrows forms the Question-Maker, an expression that shows you are asking a question. Keep the eyebrows raised until you’ve completed signing the question. In the example, notice the only difference between question and a comment is the facial expression. The signs themselves remain the same.
The Yes/No Question Face- Notes Raising your eyebrows forms a Yes/No Question face. This expression shows that you are asking a question that receives a yes or no answer. In the example, note that the signs stay exactly the same while only the facial expression differs. FYI – Slowly shake your head at the beginning sentences starting with no.
The Five Parameters of ASL H andshape (home / Deaf) P alm Orientation (name / chair) L ocation (summer / ugly / dry) M ovement (chair / train) N on Manual Signals (NMS) (Yes I am. / No I’m not.)
Unit 1 Quiz Number your paper Please skip every other line when numbering your paper. 1-5 fingerspelling 6-16 Signs Numbers Remember this is a quiz, so no phones, talking/whispering or eyes wondering. In my class, you cheat you get a zero.
Vocabulary-Voice OFF ASL Bathroom To go to To learn Please Again, Repeat To sign, Sign Language Slow, to slow down
FINGERSPELLING BINGO GAME Color the word that I fingerspell.