8.3 Phobias
1. disturbance in emotion, behavior, cognition, and bodily functioning usually lasting longer than two weeks. A. BIPOLAR DISORDER B. PLACEBO EFFECT C. MAJOR DEPRESSION DISORDER (UNIPOLAR DISORDER)
2. mood disorder that cycles through both depression and mania A. MAJOR DEPRESSION DISORDER B. BIPOLAR DISORDER C. MANIA
3. abnormally high state of exhilaration including flight of ideas, grandiosity, and pressured speech. A. VULNERABILITY STRESS MODEL B. MANIA C. BIPOLAR DISORDER
4. emphasizes how individual vulnerabilities interact with external stresses to create mental disorders. A. VULNERABILITY STRESS MODEL B. LITHIUM C. PLACEBO EFFECT
5. used to treat depression and anxiety. Including SSRI—selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. A. LITHIUM B. ACTIVE LISTENING C. ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS
6. used to treat bipolar disorder because it makes mood more moderate, A. LITHIUM B. ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS C. GROUP THERAPY
7. apparent success of medication due to patient’s expectations. A. ELECTROCONVULSIVE THEORY B. PLACEBO EFFECT C. EMPTY CHAIR TECHNIQUE
8. some treatments are successful b/c people get treated at their worst they are likely to return to the average. A. “REGRESSON TO THE MEAN” B. VULNERABILITY STRESS MODEL C. ACTIVE LISTENING
9. high voltage waves of electricity through the brain used to treat severe depression not responsive to drugs. A. EMPTY CHAIR TECHNIQUE B. MANIA C. ELECTROCONVULSIVE THEORY
0. rephrasing the patient’s words to show understanding A. ACTIVE LISTENING B. GROUP THERAPY C. “REGRESSION TO THE MEAN”
Phobias *
1. G.A.D. -- a continuous state of worry, tension, difficult in concentration.. : anxiety an issue for you? I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means DSM V / OBJECTIVE TEST Vid.
IF…then G.A.D Occurrence of excessive anxiety and worry on most days during a period of 6 months or longer. 2. Anxiety and worry are not limited to one or a few concerns or events. 3. Difficulty controlling feelings of worry. 4. The presence of a number of features associated with anxiety and worry, such as the following: a. experiencing restlessness or feelings of edginess b. becoming easily fatigued c. having difficulty concentrating or finding one’s mind going blank d. feeling irritable e. having states of muscle tension f. having difficulty falling asleep or remaining asleep or having restless, unsatisfying sleep 5. Experiencing emotional distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning as the result of anxiety, worry, or related physical symptoms. 6. Worry or anxiety is not accounted for by the features of another disorder. 7. The disturbance does not result from the use of a drug of abuse or medication or a general medical condition and does not occur only in the context of another disorder.
2. PANIC DISORDER --recurring attacks of intense fear/death and physiological symptoms which can include faintness and sharp chest pains.. : Why might there be a self fulfilling prophecy or vicious cycle involved? I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means DSM V / OBJECTIVE TEST Vid.
3. PHOBIA --exaggerated and unrealistic fear of situation, activity or object. : What makes you feel most scared? I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means DSM V / OBJECTIVE TEST Vid.
3. PHOBIA --exaggerated and unrealistic fear of situation, activity or object. I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means Vid.
4.PTSD -- follows a traumatic, life threatening event and symptoms include psychic numbing, reliving the trauma and increased physiological arousal. : Besides war, what else might result in PTSD? I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means DSM V / OBJECTIVE TEST Vid.
5.GRADUATED EXPOSURE --used for phobias or panic attacks. The patient is shown increasingly larger amounts of the feared object.. : How could you start small with whatever you fear? I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means TREATMENT CARD Vid.
6. FLOODING --a patient is directly exposed to the anxious situation (not gradually).. : Do you think this is more successful than graduated exposure? I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means TREATMENT CARD Vid.
7. TIMEOUT --individuals are removed from a desired situation or activity and must spend a period of time away from trigger events. : what do you think it right or wrong about this? I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means TREATMENT CARD Vid.
8. TRANQUILIZERS --These are commonly prescribed for anxiety, including Valium and Xanax. I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means Vid.
. TOKEN ECONOMY --behavior modification that uses conditioned reinforcers. treatment card I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means TREATMENT CARD Vid.
10. PROJECTIVE TEST --tests used to infer motives and conflicts though the interpretation of an ambiguous object.. I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means Vid.
11. RORSCHACH INKBLOT --ambiguous bilateral shapes are interpreted.. I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means MAKE AN INKBLOT LIKE DESIGN Vid.
12. T.A.T. --uses an ambiguous scene for interpretation. I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means MAKE AN AMIGUOUS STICK FIGURE DRAWING Vid.
What projective test will you make? T.A.T. RORSCHACH OR????
Make a patient! I like It should beI should I /we could I feel MyExperIenceMyExperIence I will I will The results I want to know I think I know I believe This means :