Kathryn Johnson Ivy Tech Community College
Standard #5: Application of Content The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues. Name of Artifact: Cultural Autobiography Date: February 22, 2015 Course: EDUC 255: Multicultural Teaching Brief Description: In this assignment I write about my family history. I speak of my great grandparents history in order to lay the foundation of my corrupt roots my grandparents stared the change that planted the seed of healing. I write about my own parents’ choice for a changed life. I end my paper with my own beliefs and my outlook on my future. Rationale: To document my understanding of InTASC Standard #5, Assessment, I have selected to include a Power Point presentation. This Power Point includes six children's Literature books that have content that is multicultural. Some of the book choices within this PP are multiracial as well as multicultural.
Publisher: Walker books, 2013 Genre: Fiction Summary: This story is one of modern and African traditions. Anna is a young girl who lives with her extended family. Her father is African and her mother is white Canadian. The entire family lives in a modern city in Africa. Though the city is never given, the author is from Nigeria. This book is about her family taking a trip to the ocean ( mother father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins). Unit Themes: Science- waves Activity: Have students create a picture of them at the beach. Why multicultural? This book is multicultural because it shows important traditions of African cultures along with modern customs in an Africa city. If shows the importance of family values in a multicultural family.
Publisher: HarperCollins, 2002 Genre: Fictional narrative Summery: This story is about a young boy named Young Ray Halfmoon who lives with his grandpa in Chicago. He has a Seminole-Cherokee heritage. In this book you will find many adventures Young enjoys with his grandpa. Young Ray Halfmoon lives with his grandpa in Chicago. Unit Themes: History-Seminole-Cherokee heritage Activity: Have students point out differences between Ray’s modern high-tops and grandpa’s moccasins. Why multicultural: This is a multicultural book because it is about a boy with a Seminole- Cherokee heritage.
Publisher: by Lee and Low, 2012 Genre: Fiction Summery: This storey is about Jinyi and her family creating a lasting family tradition. This family tradition centered around the soybean, a staple in China, was established when discovering a soybean field on the way to visit her aunt in Chicago Illinois. Unit Themes: Science-plants Activity: Bring in a snake of soymilk and show kids how you can make your own soy milk at home. Why multicultural: This is multicultural because it talks of the many costumes of the chins Americans.
Publisher: The New Press, 1993 Genre: documentary Summery: This book is about four children who live in the Boston area. Abdus is African- American, Annie is Irish-American, Marcos is Puerto Rican and Terri is Cambodian. The kids take the reader on a scavenger hunt through their diverse neighborhood. Unit Themes: Social Studies- Multicultural in America Activity: Pass out a writing prompt and ask students to create a paragraph describing their neighborhood cultural groups, and draw a picture to go with it. What makes this book multicultural? This book is multicultural because it is about four cultural groups in the Boston area.
Publisher: Chronicle, 2000 Genre: Fiction Summery: This book shares many objects than are geometric shapes. Some of the shapes are chimes culture specific. Unit Them: Math/ geometric shapes Activity: Have students pick out items in the classroom that are different geometric shapes. What makes this book multicultural? This book is multicultural because it was written by a Chinese author who used items that are found in Chinese cultures.
Publisher: Amistad/HarperCollins, 2002 Genre: poetry Summery: This book is a story of a very loving family that is multicultural, biracial. The mother is black, African American, and the father in is tan or white Caucasian. The book talks about the grandmothers coming to visit, one being brown and one white. The book is written in a poetic format. Unit Them: Literature/poetry Activity: Have students write in their Literature journals about a friend, neighbor, or family member that is a different color than they are, and draw a picture of them with that person. What makes this book multicultural? This book is multicultural because the family in this book are from two different culture/racial groups.