Youth Justice Resource Hub An online resource for the youth justice community A presentation for Team Meetings
What we will be talking about? The YJB has put together a short presentation to be used at team meetings to support all staff to be aware of the new Youth Justice Resource Hub. The Youth Justice Resource Hub is divided into 4 main sections Training and Development (inc. the new YJILS) Effective Practice (inc. the new EP Library and the YJ Research Map) Our Community (interactive resources for the YJ Community) Volunteering
Home Page You can access YJILS, from the top right by clicking ‘YJLS login’ The top slider holds news that we think are relevant. You can also access Twitter and YouTube channel. At the bottom you will find a toolbar and under ‘Custody and Community’ you will see an extra link called ‘Relevant External Links’, this is where you will find lots of web address to agencies that we think may be useful in supporting the Sector with the work (not pictured due to resolution)
Here you will find information around general introduction to the site outlining what it holds and who should access it. You can also access YJILS from here and if you are logged in it will show you the titles of the training courses. In the purple section, you will find information about National Occupation Standards and Workforce Development. The Training Documents section is still under development, we would welcome and feedback and information about what you may find useful. Training and Development (new YJILS)
library of effective approaches contains only evidence based programmes/intervention s Practice examples submissions are from the Sector, The research map – see next slide Knowledge and evidence – this section will have monthly ‘research monitor’ and short briefings around various topics of interest (such as re-offending). In toolkit section you will find relevant documents of interest. The research community holds information about partnership work between the Sector and academics. Effective Practice
The research map, highlighting ongoing projects in the area of youth justice. The purpose of this section is so that YOTs/Secure Establishments can contact local universities and either support some research or see if there may be a way of the university support evaluation of programmes/interv entions. Youth Justice Research Map
The Question and Answer Forum is interactive site for people to post questions and receive answers The Resources For Sharing is where documents and general resources from the Sector are stored. The Custody and Community section explores some of the relationships between the different sections of the Sector and aims to maintain positive communication. Our Community
Question and Answer Forum You will need to signed into your YJILS account to access this section. We can create ‘family groups’ to support targeted communication. It will however remain an ‘open’ group.
Who can volunteer and why section holds information about relevant formal documents. The Current volunteer opportunities, is currently empty. This section is for YOTs/Secure Establishments to contact the YJB, through the ‘volunteer here’ bottom and they can advertise volunteer opportunities in their Service. Your perspective section holds case studies about volunteers. This can be used as a way to say ‘thank you’ and really acknowledge volunteers. Volunteering
Some Help We want to support you to use the Hub in a way that will enhance your work, so please let us know how we can do this by answering the following questions: What documents/information do you access regularly? What documents/information would you like to access? What are some of the barriers to completing submissions? How can the effective practice team engage with you in a meaningful way? Any other thoughts or comments? Please feedback to:
If you require any further details or information please contact the Social Research and Effective Practice Team If you want someone from the team to come to a team meeting, contact us and we will happily look at availability It may be useful to have a YJ Resource Hub ‘lead’ to support the team to get used to the new system and get the most out of it If you have any good news stories, please contact the Social Research and Effective Practice Team to let us know. Good news stories can be as small or as big as you Moving Forward
Useful contact details: General Enquires about the Resource Hub: Submissions (for any section): Technical support (including YJILS):