District Supervisor In-Service University of Central Missouri College of Education Office of Clinical Services and Certification
WELCOME We appreciate your participation! You are a valuable member of our team! Your influence will be a part of your student teacher for their entire career! We couldn’t do it without you!
Who is my Student Teacher? A person who has: Been admitted to Teacher Education Has taken the Praxis II Exam Maintains a minimum GPA of 2.50 Has been recommended by his/her major department to student teach
Critical Issues to Stress with your Student Teacher Establish your expectations You are supportive BUT you’ll hold to your standards Communication Conference every day Help student teacher reflect on his/her work Communicate with University Supervisor Time Management
Student Teaching Handbook Download at: Major Items Time SheetPage 10 Lesson PlansPage 11 Video TapePage 12 AttendancePage 13
Stages of Student Teaching Observations/Assisting~Group Work Part-Time Teaching~Part of the Day Lead Teaching~Student Teacher is responsible for ALL classes Phase-Out/Observation~Begin reducing the teaching load and observe other teachers Student Teaching Handbook ~pp
Your responsibilities as the District Supervisor Serve as a mentor and coach~ Be Supportive Share your ideas, experience, and materials Communicate openly and honestly with your student~ Be Specific Expect the Student Teacher to be prepared
Your responsibilities as the District Supervisor Include the student in all of your duties~Students are expected to get a real picture of teaching Periodically observe and provide a written critique to the student Make arrangements for student teacher to observe other teachers Stay in touch with the University Supervisor
Your responsibilities as the District Supervisor Allow freedom to let the student be him/herself~within reason Complete required paperwork Recommend grade to University Supervisor Student Teaching Handbook~ pp.18-19
The Student Teacher’s Responsibilities Approach student teaching as a full-time job Be punctual and maintain daily attendance Dress professionally Demonstrate flexibility and helpfulness Demonstrate openness to constructive feedback
The Student Teacher’s Responsibilities Comply with the local district’s rules, policies and procedures Assume full-time teaching responsibilities when appropriate Develop cooperative relationships Exhibit professional and ethical behavior
University Supervisor’s Responsibilities Observe student teacher a minimum of 4 times during the semester Provide feedback in the form of formative and summative evaluations Collect Unit Lesson Plan and other university assignments Coordinate with District Supervisor to determine student teacher’s performance level Submit final grade
Attendance Policy Student teachers are expected to report regularly and promptly, just as you are Problems should be immediately reported to the University Supervisor If needed, the student’s grade will be withheld and their semester extended to make up time
Attendance Policy Students may be excused for interviews but they must request released time in advance Students must provide lesson plans to cover for any absence Student Teaching Handbook~ Page 13
Frequently Asked Questions How soon should my student teacher start teaching? As soon as you think he/she is ready. Start slow and increase their responsibilities. ( Handbook pp. 11 & 12) What kind of lesson plans should I expect? UCM does not require any one-lesson model but allows the format to be determined by the district and the University Supervisor. ( Handbook p. 11)
Frequently Asked Questions Is it reasonable to expect my student teacher to do everything that I do? Yes, as long as it is a part of your regular duties. Student teachers are excused from duties in which you receive an extra stipend. What is the biggest problem in working with a student teacher? Time and Communication. Open and honest communication is a must. What do I do if things are not going well? Contact the University Supervisor immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions Am I responsible for issuing the student’s grade? No. The university supervisor may ask what grade you believe the student should receive, but it is their responsibility to assign grades. Are there forms that I am expected to complete? Yes. The required forms are available on our website The University Supervisor will review the forms and answer any questions that you might have.
Frequently Asked Questions May we use the student teacher as a substitute teacher? We ask that you NOT do this. In an emergency we ask that the student stay with their regular class and that you cover the class needing a substitute. ( Handbook p. 13) Will the University Supervisor make unannounced visits? No. Observations and conferences are scheduled well in advance so everyone can plan accordingly.
Frequently Asked Questions How am I to communicate with the University Supervisor? The University Supervisor will give you their phone number and address.
Stipend/No Stipend/Graduate Credit As a District Supervisor, you have 3 choices for compensation (See bottom of “Supervising Teacher Information form on our site) Stipend: $125 for full semester or $62.50 if you are splitting a student teacher No Stipend: May be practical for some career ladder programs Graduate Credit: Look under “Graduate Credit for District Supervisors” on Student Teaching Documents for District Supervisors page.