Energy Futures A look BACK at and a look FORWARD to, “ENERGY use in WISCONSIN”
Energy dollars per million Btu from 1970 to 2000.
What types of energy do our dollars buy?
Wisconsin Resource Energy Consumption, by Type of Fuel: Wisconsin Energy Statistics – Thirty year trend
Wisconsin Resource Energy Consumption, by Type of Fuel: Wisconsin Energy Statistics – 2002 summary
Wisconsin Resource Energy Consumption, by Economic Sector - Thirty year trend:
Wisconsin Resource Energy Consumption, by Economic Sector – 2002 summary:
Wind Power in Wisconsin?
Wisconsin ranks 18 th in the nation for wind power potential to generate electricity.
Solar Energy in Wisconsin? One benefit for photovoltaic (PV) solar energy systems in Wisconsin is that the annual peak of the solar resource (and a PV system’s output) occurs on sunny summer days. This corresponds exactly with utilities’ highest energy demand periods – and their highest energy charges. The average radiation received by a horizontal surface in June. Units are in kilowatt-hours per square meter.
Solar Energy in Wisconsin? Wisconsin does not have the highest solar index, but it is one of the top 4 states that could use solar energy efficiently.
Fuel Cells in Wisconsin? First: What is a fuel cell? Click on the following animation: So how do fuel cells fit in the energy picture? That is what we will learn in the next few days as we study: “Fuel Cells”.