GeoforschungsZentrum Potsdam - GFZ m Geodesy & Remote Sensing m Physics of the Earth m Geodynamics m Chemistry of the Earth m Geoengineering m Basic Research m Technical Applications m ~ 660 Employees National Research Center for Geosciences
GFZ Potsdam Section Geothermics m Current research projects Geothermal technology / Geoengineering ä Geothermal Technology to provide base load electrical energy from earth’s heat (Technologieentwicklung zur Bereitstellung von Grundlaststrom aus Erdwärme) ä Feasibilty of electricity prduction from deep seated geothermal reservoirs ä Use of aquifers in energy systems (storage of heat and cold) ä Integrated Geophysical Exploration Technologies (I-GET) ä Enhanced Geothermal Innovative Network for Europe (ENGINE) ä Efficient low temperature geothermal binary power (LOW-BIN) ä Thermal structure, heat flow, and radiogenic heat production in sedimentary basins m All projects in detail at:
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Please find detailed information on GFZ at our website