Membership and Reten tion Membership and Reten tion February 6, 2016
Human Resources Over 40 years experience Recruited employees for wide range of jobs Applied proven recruitment techniques to Rotary Unsuccessful!
Human Resources are Our Most Valuable Asset
Rotarians are Our Only Asset
Essentials of Recruitment Rotarians are volunteers, not employees Rotarians are busy, respect their time Rotarians want interesting experiences, stimulate them Rotarians are talented, use them Rotarians are individuals, recognize their diversity
The Foundation for Recruitment and Retention Interesting meetings Appealing service activities A strong brand Comradery Challenging opportunities for everyone A compelling mission statement Incentives and Rewards
Recruitment – What To Do Survey your membership Develop a plan Implement the plan Encourage Educate Reinforce Ask, ask, ask
An Example of a Plan 1.More fun at meetings 2.Special membership meeting 3.Workshop for volunteer recruiters 4.Pamphlet about your club 5.Publicize progress 6.Friends of Rotary 7.Develop a Mission Statement 8.Recruit new members 9.Re-visit Rotary basics
PDG Doug Burnard There is no magical method to achieving growth in membership. The most important thing we can do is to make sure we “ask” family, friends and business associates if they would like to become involved in supporting our activities in the local and international communities.
If you want people to be interested in you, you must first show interest in them Michael Angelo Caruso
New Generations – get to know them & where they are Baby Boomers Generation X Generation Y Millennials
What is our experience? District 6330 June 30, 2008:2137 members June 30, 2012:1951 June 30, 2013:1901 June 30, 2014:1857 Dec. 14, 2014:1811 Nov. 30, 2015: 1800
Membership Change
Retaining Rotarians Induction Program Mentoring Engage Encourage Involve Exit Interview
Recommended Video Richard King, former RI President talks about attracting members More from Richard King? Go to youtube and search for “Rotary’s Membership Drive – RI’s President Rick King speaks”
District Membership Committee Chair – Tom Robitaille Area 1 – vacant Area 2 – Sterling Snelgrove Area 3 – vacant Area 4 – Geoffrey Faul Area 5 – Peter Davis Area 6 – vacant Area 7 – Sandra Murphy Area 8 and 9 - vacant
Membership Corner How to Create a Facebook Rotary Club Page in 5 Simple Steps
“When a tree stops growing — it is ready to die….A Rotary club is like that: It is moving ahead only when it is growing. When the growing ends, the knife-and-fork club begins.” RI President Charles G. Tennent
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