Teaching Weather Through Storytelling By Laura Severino 2012
Essential Questions: o How do weather conditions affect our daily lives? o How do changes in one part of the Earth system affect other parts? o What is weather like through the different seasons?
Storytelling: Day 1 o Activate prior schema by completing the first two parts of KWL chart and pair share with a partnerKWL chart o Watch Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs on You Tube using the SMART BoardCloudy With a Chance of Meatballs o On chart paper, identify story elements and weather patterns presented in the book o Sketch real-life pictures to represent each storm from the book
o Students will construct a poster describing the weather pattern, type of precipitation, and effects the weather has on our daily lives o Students will present their poster to the class Day 5 & 6 for Final Project: o Ideas for their poster: -WOW facts -Real-life pictures -Student sketches -Songs for Teaching quotesSongs for Teaching