News Marie’s book Scotland’s Inclusion Institute Twitter: Campaign - tweet Facebook: Campaign - like www.campaignforafairsociety - join www.campaignforafairsociety.


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Presentation transcript:

News Marie’s book Scotland’s Inclusion Institute Twitter: Campaign - tweet Facebook: Campaign - like - join 28th April - Glasgow Demonstration Editorial Group Hustings tonight - Great Western Road

Housing - living the life they want to live - and the supports people need they need to live - it is all linked together Advice & Advocacy Home Ownership Policing Home Swap Neighbourhood Networks Housing Cuts Fear of Residential Care

Rights!! We want rights - not gifts - gifts are weaker Opportunities in community Opportunities - support, life People not told about what is happening - cuts Treated as children Fear & control in Institutional settings “Need to keep on fighting!” Get together - one loud voice Reach out and connect... schools, social networks talk to friends get a celebrity talk to MPs Schools Protest Educate the politicians Use the courts!!

Support Demand is supposed to be increasing - so its doing much more for less scapegoating of public services and public service workers strategy needs to be clear and smart we need to connect to wider groups - older people we need to identify practical options - evidence reasonable allocation - is vital being clear about personalisation - separate out from the cuts - causing real stress in people’s lives

Money Benefit cuts New assessment systems mortgage interest relief caps death by millions cuts its a lie - there’s no money label of ‘scrounger’ do we want an equal society - not a fair society show how people are using the money how to make common cause with ordinary people need positive solutions recovery movement Act now evidence & data focus on the collective benefit funding

The Campaign for a Fair Society believes Everyone is equal, no matter their differences or disabilities. A fair society sees each of its members as a full citizen - a unique person with a life of their own. A fair society is organised to support everyone to live a full life, with meaning and respect.

In particular we support the right of all disabled and older people to independent living - which means: Disabled people having the same freedom, choice, dignity and control as other citizens at home, at work, and in the community. It does not mean living by yourself or fending for yourself. It means rights to practical assistance and support to participate in society and live an ordinary life.

We also need something about the unfair cuts: e.g. The government needs to reverse the unfair cuts that target disabled people - more than 25% of the cuts fall on the 3% of the population with the most severe disabilities But we cannot just go back to how things were int he past The current welfare system needs radical reform.

Charging - Help for disabled people should not be means-tested - we must end the disability super-tax Support - The entitlement to be support should be an objective right defined in law. Prevention - Families and individuals should get support early - to avoid crisis and prevent need - end eligibility thresholds Control - Everyone should have the right to control their lives and any support they need Income - There should be a guaranteed minimum income - free from means-testing - creating full incentives to work and contribute to civic life of the community Housing - people should be able to have their own home and the choice of tend and full access to accessible housing. Rights - The UN Convention on Rights of Disabled People would be built into UK law The most important priorities for reform should be:

not just about disability - rights about citizenship the right to involvement in planning for housing, support and services buses, trains - not enough room and not accessible for wheelchairs - bikes fill up the space ending the blame game - its always someone else’s job - responsibility and taking responsibility how we go forward - we need to offer positive solutions - assertive and confident should we focus on where the money should come from educate the public about right and disabled people we live in a very wealthy country - its about what they choose to fund - what do we really value & quality of life