Mrs. Villani and Mrs. Saeli’s Kindergarten
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University of Maryland – psychology Penn State, main campus – education George Mason – Master in teaching `Always going to school!
Taught in Pennsylvania, and PWCS Virginia I have taught from preschool 4 year old room through high school.
About the teacher K – 2 lead math teacher Volunteer Liaison for Tyler Share my home with 7 cats Prefer, hiking, swimming, and kayaking But my favorite activity is spending time with my family and just being home
About Mrs. Saeli This is my 9 th year with PWCS and my 3 rd year with Tyler Elementary. I have two girls in college. Kristina is a Junior and a figure skater and Ashley is a Freshmen studying fashion design. I love to knit, read books and travel and love cats.
Our daily schedule Mrs. Villani’s Kindergarten Smarty Cats Classroom Schedule Smarty Cats love to learn! Our Daily AGENDA: 9:00 Unpack/ Morning warmup 9:15 Calendar Time 9:25 Reading Lesson and Guided grp & centers 10:45 Writing Workshop 11:38 Lunch to 12:08 Recess 12:08 to 12:18 12:30 to 1:15 Social Studies/Science 1:15 to 2:00 Encore/Special 2:00 to 3:20 Math 3:10 Snack/extra break 3:30 Pack up to go home
Chronic Absentees in Kindergarten had the lowest academic performance in First Grade This is missing just one day every two weeks!
Class Webpage Also:
663 INSTRUCTION Homework The Prince William County School Board supports the appropriate use of homework to enrich, enhance, and/or extend the instructional program. Homework shall be incorporated as a meaningful component of the instructional program. Homework assignments should be understood by the student and should involve only work for which the student is ready. All assigned homework will receive feedback from the teacher. Homework assignments shall be based on the teacher's assessment of the student's instructional needs. Teachers will use discretion in assigning homework so that it may be completed in a reasonable amount of time. Students in grades 9-12 enrolled in advanced classes should anticipate extended homework time requirements due to the rigorous demands of these classes. The Associate Superintendent for Student Learning and Accountability (or designee) is responsible for implementing and monitoring this policy. The Associate Superintendent for Student Learning and Accountability (or designee) is responsible for reviewing this policy in Adopted: June 18, 1974 Reviewed/Revised: July 24, 2013 PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD
H OMEWORK PWCS regulation New as of July 24, 2013 Kindergarten: Monday – Thursday - 10 to 20 minutes/ as needed and as ready – Not Required Teachers are recommended to encouraged parents to read to or listen to their child read. There may also be activities provided to follow up their child’s learning in other content areas. We will send home “family projects” monthly for enrichment We will work with parents whose students need remediation We can advise and direct parents for ways to find materials Spelling sight words will begin in January....
Behavior Your child is expected to behave like a quality student. Your child’s behavior directly effects your child’s ability to learn. Talk to your child everyday about your school behavior expectations Listen to your child so you can explain to your child about others’ choices and how to act. Talk to the teacher about your child’s behaviors Support your child by reinforcing needed behavior skills at home. Think Forms
Reading: Kindergarten students need to read, comprehend, and answer questions/retell DRA reading level 6 by end of year. However, our target is a DRA 8 Math: Students can count to 100, recognize numerals, skip count by twos, fives, tens. Can count backwards from 30. Can do basic problem solving and addition/subtraction facts to 20. Know colors, shapes, coins, and time to hour and half hour. Writing: Able to write sentences and spell words making sense. We will write daily stories.
Fieldtrips Chaperones - sign up early; but do not send in money COWS AND CORN- October 24
FIELD DAY! Field day is fast approaching and we are still running short on volunteers. We are 13 volunteers short in the morning (pre-k- 2) and 16 short in the afternoon (3-5). I will be set up in the lobby with information. Thank you for your help! Maria
Volunteer Find a time and day that fits our classroom schedule that you are consistently available – the teachers will be counting on you. How can you be helpful? Inside the classroom? From home? Let me know if your expectation was to work with the students or with administrative classroom support Will coming in distract your child or help your child?
Quality Parent In this activity students identify the traits that help to make good decisions and good choices.
1.Read to and with your child every night 2.Help your child to hold a pencil 3.Help your child to practice writing letters 4.Work with your child to sound spell words 5.Count objects to 20, 30. Have your child point and touch each item and find ways to keep track while counting. 6.Praise your child for doing so nicely at school. Tell them how you think that they do their best while away from you. 7.Talk with your child about when you were at school. 8.Label your child’s jackets and sweaters 9.Send in fresh water every day 10.Send in a snack 11.Appropriate shoes 12.Appropriate wear and emergency wear
CONFERENCES Pick a time to meet for student led parent – teacher conferences from the sign up sheet. Plan to attend.
Sign Up for Parent- Teacher Conference times The paper is on the table that is shaped like a U