Purpose? Why am I making a decision? Why am I opting to choose a specific subject? Easy. Interesting & challenging. Lead you to fulfilling career path.
Information on yourself. Information on the subject.
What do you enjoy? Which skills would you like to develop? Do you enjoy theory/practical work or both? Do you enjoy using formulas and solving problems? (Maths/Science/Geography/Information Technology) Writing, debating, discussing, critical thinking skills? (Languages/History) Creativity? (Visual Arts) Reflect on your strengths and interests.
What does the subject involve? What does it cover ? Does it involve theory/practical or both? Do the various topics interest me?
COMPULSORY: English. First Additional Language: Afrikaans/isiZulu Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy.
CHOOSE 1 CHOOSE 1 CHOOSE 3 Mathematics/ Mathematical Literacy Afrikaans/ isiZulu/ French/ Portuguese. Accounting Business Studies Geography History Information Technology Life Sciences Physical Sciences Visual Art
Subject:Description: Mathematical LiteracyCovers skills for daily decision making, including percentages, graphs, interest rates and loans. MathematicsProvides a basis to describe and solve problems to develop a higher level analytical thinking. Covers numbers and relationships, algebra, geometry, descriptive statistics, data management and probabilities. AccountingPurpose is to record, understand and interpret financial transactions and statements so that learners develop a basic financial literacy. It covers financial information, management accounting and tools in managing resources in business.
Subject:Description: GeographyProvides practical and theoretical skills for the learner who wants to pursue a career in environmental sciences. Covers map work, people and economies, town and regional planning, weather/climate, ecosystems and geology. HistoryPurpose is to teach the ability to express and justify a clear personal point of view and to understand the context in which we live. It covers South Africa as a part of Africa, local and world history and current world issues.
Subject:Description: Information Technology (IT) Purpose is to teach basic computer programming skills, assisting learners who want to pursue careers in IT (programming, designing) and engineering. Life SciencesPurpose is to equip learners who want to pursue careers in Science or healing (nursing, medicine, medical research and food technology). Covers human physiology and diseases, evolution, tissues, cells and molecular studies, structures and processes in basic life systems and environmental studies. Physical SciencesPurpose is to provide learners with knowledge about scientific laws and principles through theory and practical experiments. Covers mechanics, electricity and magnetism, chemical changes and systems, waves and matter.
Subject:Description: Visual Arts (Art)Purpose is to provide a broad background on various techniques in Art and a basic overview of the history of Art so that learners develop their individual artistic potential. Covers Art history, Art research, personal style and development, different material and techniques. Business StudiesPurpose is to acquire and apply essential business knowledge, skills and principles to productively and profitably conduct business in changing business environments.
Academically Strong (75% Average in all school subjects) Taken after School / Saturday. Still needs to comply with Portfolio requirements. Passionate about the subject. Not to keep options open…
Parental Consent. Learners best interest. First term. Timetable. Catch up on all assessment tasks and subject content.
English = 40% or more… 4 x Subjects from the designated list at 50% or more. Pass 2 x Subjects at 30%. Meet the language requirement for entry into further study. 40% = English. 30% + = isiZulu/Afrikaans. (REMEMBER THIS IS THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT ! CAN’T DO MUCH WITH IT…)
Wits tabulates the points score for all subjects on the following basis: English is the LOLT (language of learning and teaching) at Wits; a requirement is that English must be taken either as Home Language or the LOLT or as 1st Additional Language. The minimum APS for English is 4 ( %).
Maths is compulsory for all numerate programmes in Engineering and Built Environment, Commerce, Law and Management, and Science. Maths Literacy will be accepted by Law, Education and Humanities (except Speech and Hearing). Wits does not distinguish between designated vs. non- designated subjects when calculating the admission point score (APS) The Faculty of Health Sciences allows limited entry with Maths Literacy.
University Entrance Requirements. Subject choice booklet- University of Pretoria. National Benchmark Tests. Visit: Applications process - Admission Point Calculator 2017 Undergraduate Prospectus Aptitude and Subject Choice Testing: Dr Louise Holman Tel:
4 August 2016