Building More Homes on Brownfield Land: Local Development Orders Brownfield Land and LDO Masterclass February 2015 Mide Beaumont DCLG
Making the most of brownfield land 2 National Planning Policy Framework Planning policies and decisions should encourage the effective use of land by re-using brownfield land provided that it is not of high environmental value; Local councils can set locally appropriate targets for using brownfield land Planning practice guidance Stresses the importance of the planning process in helping to bring brownfield land into use The objective for implementation To see local development orders granting planning permissions for homes in place on over 90% of suitable brownfield land by 2020 (June 2014)
Government action to support implementation Package of measures announced in June 2014 to support development of brownfield land for housing: Funding and guidance to support preparation of local development orders Consultation on measures to underpin performance New powers for Mayoral development orders (London) Housing Zones Estate Regeneration 3
Support for preparing local development orders Funding to support councils preparing local development orders for larger housing sites North East Lincolnshire, Swindon, Gravesham and West Lindsey are receiving funding PAS also supporting four councils – Welwyn Hatfield, Swindon, Teignbridge and North East Lincolnshire – who are piloting local development orders for smaller housing sites Guidance will be available on PAS website later this year to support wider use of local development orders on smaller sites Web based learning platform available through PAS 4
Government action to support implementation Building on these initiatives the Government published in January: Proposals for public consultation on measures that may exceptionally be needed to drive progress A further opportunity to bid for funding to support the preparation of local development orders on larger sites 5
Building more homes on brownfield land – Consultation Consultation covers two broad issues: Identifying suitable brownfield land, sharing information and monitoring progress Measures to underpin delivery of local development orders 6
Building more homes on brownfield land – Consultation How do ensure data is up to date? We need to ensure that data on brownfield is robust. Do not want to impose a top-down approach and would like a system led by local authorities We want a system that: Is easily accessible to developers, members of the public, other authorities and central Government Is easy for the robustness of the data to be tested Makes the most of modern technology Places the least burden on local authorities Welcome views on how this might be achieved in the responses to the consultation. 7
Building more homes on brownfield land – Consultation Proposals for data collection and availability Defining suitable brownfield land: using the NPPF definition and which meets specific criteria: Deliverable Free of constraint Capable of development Capable of supporting 5 or more dwellings Building on existing data collection processes for local plans and SHLAAs the proposal is that data is updated at least once a year and published to an agreed common standard 8
Building more homes on brownfield land – Consultation Measures proposed to encourage progress: Extending measures similar to the current designation process to apply where authorities do not make sufficient progress in getting LDOs in place on 90% of suitable brownfield land by 2020 (with an intermediate objective in 2017) Policy based incentive: amend the National Planning Policy Framework so that authorities that have not made sufficient progress against the brownfield objective would be unable to claim the existence of an up to date five year housing land supply when considering applications for brownfield development - presumption in favour of sustainable development would apply (with intermediate objectives) 9
Local Development Orders for housing on brownfield land – Invitation to bid Further opportunity for local planning authorities and private sector partners to help deliver sites for new housing Incentive fund offers authorities up to £50k to support the development of LDOs for larger housing sites Bids are encouraged from local planning authorities that can identify suitable brownfield sites able to accommodate in the region of 100 dwellings or more Deadline for applications is 11 March
Local Development Orders for housing on brownfield land – Invitation to bid Award Criteria Sites are deliverable There is a clear project plan in place for consulting on the draft local development order by the end of December 2015 The local planning authority has sufficient capacity to prepare and deliver the local development order, particularly staff resources There is a clear commitment to timely discharge of conditions or the granting of prior approval It is clear how the local planning authority intend to use the money and that it will be used in a cost effective way. 11
Building more homes on brownfield land: Local Development Orders Advice and support on LDOs Planning Practice Guidance hen-is-permission-required/what-types-of-area-wide-local- planning-permission-are-there/ Planning Advisory Service
Building more homes on brownfield land: Local Development Orders Any Questions? 13