1 Zoning Application Tealwood
Tealwood : Aerial Subject
Tealwood : Land Use Designation Subject
Tealwood : Zoning Subject
6 Purpose & Definition of T-2 “To provide an alternative tool to allow flexibility in the development of smaller ‘transition sites.’” “The land use category is applied to smaller transition properties that are adjacent to both lower intensity commercial land uses and lower intensity residential uses. These properties share unique characteristics in that they have limited commercial potential due to adjacency to existing commercial development but need to address compatibility issues with adjacent established neighborhoods.” Source: Southlake 2025 plan
7 Purpose & Definition of T-2 “The land use category is intended to provide creative infill and flexible transition opportunities.” “Each individual area designated for Transition 2 land use category shall generally range from 4 to 20 acres.” Source: Southlake 2025 plan
8 The T-2 District “Residential uses are to be located adjacent to proposed office and existing neighborhoods.” “These uses are intended to provide a lower intensity transition between existing neighborhoods and non-residential uses.” “Single-family residential uses are recommended to be to the density and scale that is appropriate based on the context and character of the proposed overall development.” Source: Southlake 2025 plan
Tealwood : Aerial Subject
10 Intent & Purpose of Zoning Application Create a Neighborhood to… Serve as a physical & visual buffer and transition between existing, competing uses Whose open space will serve as an additional buffer to the neighborhoods to the north Complement the quality and design of the immediate area and throughout Southlake Encourage pedestrian activity and interaction among neighbors Produce far less traffic impact than an alternative development of light industrial or office uses
Tealwood : Development Plan
12 Development Standards Street Design Standard –Right of Way: 40 feet –Travel Lane Width: 31 feet, back of curb to back of curb (previous request was 27 feet, b/b) –Turning Radii: 30 feet, minimum –Paving Material: Plan shows concrete, we request approval for either asphalt or concrete Streetscape Standards –Street trees required: Minimum of two, 3” caliper trees per front yard, as indicated on Landscape Concept plan with “A”, “B” or “C” lots
13 Development Standards Open Space Standards –Fully landscaped & irrigated with trees & shrubbery –Existing vegetation along Continental will be maintained where practical –There shall be a minimum of 15 canopy trees of bur oak, red oak or Chinhquapin oak, 12 under-story flowering trees, 9 Nellie R. Stevens holly or comparable replacement, shrubs along masonry wall –Maintained by HOA with mandatory membership –The guide channel installed within the detention area shall be stained an earth-toned color –HOA will also maintain all front yards
14 Development Standards Block and Lot Standards –Lot area: Minimum of 10,000 SF –Lot width & depth: Minimum of 80 feet wide and 104 feet deep –Maximum lot coverage of primary residence: 50% –Maximum impervious coverage per lot: 75% Building Standards –Minimum square footage: 2,500 SF –Setbacks Front yard: 15 feet, except 20 feet for Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, and 11 of block 1 Front garage door: 20 feet when facing the front street, 25 feet for lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, and 11 of block 1 Side yards: 5 feet and 10 feet, maintaining a 15 foot separation Rear yards: 10 feet –Maximum building height: 35 feet
15 Development Standards Site Design Standards –Architectural style: Texas Traditional with old world architectural details –Walkways & driveways: Washed or exposed fixed aggregate in warm earth tones –Garage doors: Wood –Front elevation windows: Vinyl divided light with oversized mullions –Exterior materials: 100% masonry on all street facing elevations, 80% on other elevations No EIFS or synthetic stucco system allowed in the subdivision –Roof pitch: Minimum of 8:12 on front elevations –Landscaping: Fully landscaped & irrigated front and side yards fronting a street within 60 days of completion
16 Development Standards Site Design Standards (cont.) –Fencing: Open-style metal fencing on front elevation Wood fencing permitted between lots, a stone column shall be erected on the shared property lot lines where side yard fences terminate closest to the front or side street –Perimeter fencing on the east, south and west boundaries Wood fencing of 4” cedar, board on board, of a uniform design Constructed by the same contractor throughout Stone Columns, 25 foot on center on east perimeter property line –Metal, open-style fencing required on the two “outside” lots where facing Continental, and all street facing elevations –Uniform masonry fencing required on the side yards facing Continental for the two “inside” lots (All masonry walls and columns throughout shall be of a uniform design and material.)
17 Development Standards Site Design Standards (cont.) No garage door on the four most northern lots shall face Continental Blvd.
Tealwood : East Front Elevation
Tealwood : Center Front Elevation
Tealwood : West Front Elevation
21 Development Standards Street Lighting –Comply with City of Southlake requirements –Street light at the entry, street light at each ninety degree turn in the interior street & street light at the end of the street with decorative posts and fixture Brick& Stone Standards: limited range of high quality material Sign Standards: Front entry monument sign –Maximum of 12 feet wide by 4 feet high –Sign panel: Maximum of 8 feet wide by 30 inches high
Tealwood: Entry Sign Sign structure: 12 feet by 4 feet. Sign panel: 8 feet by 30 inches.
23 Adjacency Consideration As Transitional Zoning District is not a district under which the Neighborhood Adjacency ordinance applies, Tealwood specifically waives such applicable Neighborhood Adjacency Standards for any properties or developments which might otherwise be effected by Tealwood’s residential uses.
Brick Stone Surround Rough Finish Hardy Board Native Stone Aggregate Walkway Minimum 8:12 Roof Pitch Rock Coins Brick Surround In Double & Triple Brick And/or Rock Rowlocks Tealwood: Design Samples
Cedar Accent Vents Tealwood: Design Samples
Slivered Split Brick Keystone & Eyebrow Slivered Split Brick Coins 45 ° Brick Water Table Triple Rowlock Brick Dutch Gable with Soldier Brick Cedar Vent Accent Cast Stone Accents & Doric Water Table Tealwood: Detail Samples
Cedar Corbels Keystone in Sliced Brick Brick Eyebrow Accent Native Stone Slivered Split Brick Detail Earth Tone Brick Slivered Split Brick Eyebrow Inlaid Cast Stone Number Plate Tealwood: Detail Samples
Tealwood: Site Plan
Tealwood : Revised Plat & Landscape Plan
Tealwood : Access Plan
Tealwood : Drainage Plan
Tealwood : Utility Plan
Tealwood : Revised Plat & Landscape Plan
Tealwood : Revised Open Space Plan
Tealwood : Aerial Subject
Tealwood : Industrial Concept Plan