Social dimension of the current economic crisis – poverty & its direct impacts Jana Hainsworth Secretary General Eurochild Combating poverty in Europe P2P Programme October 2009
Who are we? Our aim is to promote the rights and well- being of children and young people Empower children and young people United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Eurochild is a network of 93 organisations and individuals promoting the rights and welfare of children and young people in Europe. We are co-funded through the European Commission PROGRESS programme ( ).
3 More than ever we need to invest in children! THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN MUST BE A PARTICULAR PRIORITY: 1.Because of children’s particular vulnerability and dependent status; 2.Because child poverty is too often solely seen through the lens of family income poverty but is a much wider issue 3.Because childhood is a particularly sensitive period of change that has long-term impact on outcomes; 4.Because it provides an opportunity to break inter- generational transmission of disadvantage & has benefits for the whole of society;
Child poverty - some figures
5 But what is the impact of the crisis? Latvia GDP decreased by 19,6% since The distance from losing job to bankruptcy for middle-class families is 1 month and 12 days. Less than 10% of the families have savings. Lithuania World Bank report suggests the number of people below poverty line (101 Euro/person/month) will increase in 2009 by 49,6% compared to Children to be affected by the approved Crisis Management Plan which cancels child universal allowances 50 Lt (14.5 €) as well as free school meals – now means-tested. UK In a recent Mori survey, 75% of British adults were concerned about the impact of the economic downturn on their family life. Worries about job security, income and problems at work due to the downturn were cited as reasons for tension in family relationships.
6 But what is the impact of the crisis? Uk cont 1 in 10 professional in regular contact with children has seen an increase in cases of suspected child neglect over the past year (primary school, pre- school, nursery and health professionals) - 15% felt the recession was partly responsible (see: Action for Children) Ireland impact of the cuts on children: cuts in education, increase in class size, cut in language support teachers, special needs teachers, cut to library grants, and grants for school books for poor children, increase in the cost of school transport, and in the cost of staying overnight in hospital or accessing accident and emergency. (See: Children’s Rights Alliance) Danger that the most vulnerable children will be forgotten in fight to save jobs and reach ‘borderline’ families
7 What can be done at EU level? social conditionality to be included in the bail-out plans of CEE countries (Proposed EP declaration) On-going EC analysis for the Social Protection Committee Follow-up to the social impact of the crisis Social OMC – quantified targets, better indicators, annual scorecards, more ‘strategic’ mutual learning, clustering of actions led by EU recommendation Links to the wider EU2020 strategy Strengthening of on-going EU action
Competencies for social policies lay with Member States......but coordination at European level is done through the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) where Member States agree common objectives establish common indicators to assess how progress towards those objectives can be measured prepare every two years National Strategy Reports on Social Protection and Social Inclusion setting up the policies (to be) implemented at national level in order to achieve the common objectives improve policy & practice through peer reviews, research, independent expert reports engage with non-state actors to inform, monitor and evaluate policy Child Poverty & Social Exclusion
Eurochild political action under the social OMC Contributions to the OMC NAPs follow-up Report: Ending Child Poverty within the EU – a review of the National Strategy Reports on Social Protection & Social Inclusion + Country fiches Eurochild monitors and seeks to influence Member States’ commitments to tackling child poverty in the Social Open Method of Coordination
10 Stronger action on child poverty at EU level OUR ADVOCACY WORK: European Year 2010 for combating poverty and social exclusion Advocacy for an EU Recommendation on child poverty & well-being EU Strategy on the rights of the child Promote the mainstreaming of children’s rights in areas of EU policy that directly affect child well-being - Early years education & care - Health - Demographic change & family-friendly policies - Intergenerational solidarity
11 EY2010 for combating poverty & social exclusion CAMPAIGN AGAINST CHILD POVERTY IN 2010 Bringing the voices and perspectives of children and young people themselves How does poverty affect their lives and access to opportunity? How can the views of children be considered in the policy-making process
12 WHAT SHOULD GO INTO IT? Better targets and monitoring Better coordination government level – vertical & horizontal Better participation of families and children Better communication and public awareness Overall coherence with the UNCRC An EU Recommendation on child poverty & well-being
Out of adversity comes opportunity.... Post crisis - EU Children were more affected by poverty than the population as a whole before the crisis Child poverty is not just a denial of their rights, it is also a waste of human potential Investment in children – particularly early years – can save money in the future Equality of opportunity & social cohesion must be over-riding objectives of the EU project, not spin-offs of economic & jobs growth (– proven to be ineffective) Protection of social rights must be ensured throughout all EU external relations
14 Eurochild THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! How to find out more.... Eurochild 1-2, Avenue des Arts 1210 Brussels Tel: Website: