FY Grant Guidelines Webinar/Conference Calls Welcome – Valerie Payne, WTCS Grants Coordinator Agenda – Session One – New Grant Manager’s Training Webinar/Meeting – October 8 th at 8:45 – 9:45 a.m. Session Two – General Purpose Revenue (GPR) Grants Webinar/Meeting – October 8 th at 10:00 – 11:30 p.m. Session Three – Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins) Grants Webinar – October 15 th at 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 2
Perkins IV Grants Due by January 16, 2015 Accountability Local Perkins Plan Reserve Fund Student Success High School to College Transitions Strengthening Career and Technical Education Programs Non-Traditional Occupations (NTO) Criminal Offenders Program 4
FY Grant Contact: Julie Tyznik Pages 8-18 of Perkins Grant Guidelines Perkins Accountability 5
Accountability Changes from FY : Explanation of: Targets through FY15 Actuals for the state from FY08 to FY13 Tips for improving Perkins performance #1, Updated the location of the “Lookahead” document in the Perkins section of the portal under Perkins Measures. Clarified who has access to that confidential document. #2, Updated the location of the Perkins data and reports (previously the Perkins Workbook) used for grant and local plan decision making. The Perkins Report card will still be sent to each college. 6
FY Grant Contacts: Career Prep and Statewide POS (Invitation Only) Ann Westrich Supporting Student Success (Invitation Only) Tom Heffron Pages of Perkins Grant Guidelines Reserve 7
FY Grant Contact: Tom Heffron Pages of Perkins Grant Guidelines Student Success 8
FY Grant Contact: Ann Westrich Pages of Perkins Grant Guidelines High School to College Transitions for Career and Technical Education Students 9
FY Grant Contact: Julie Tyznik Pages of Perkins Grant Guidelines Strengthening CTE Programs 10
Strengthening CTE Programs Funds Available and Limitation s Reminders: No remedial education allowed No funding for food or beverages Important Dates: December 12, Proposal including the program name, number, Perkins indicator(s) targeted, as well as the year if in a multiyear plan submitted to Julie Tyznik. January 12, 2015 – Once program proposal is approved by Julie, approval of project by Education Director assigned the program. 11
FY Grant Contact: Karen Showers Pages of Perkins Grant Guidelines Assuring Access and Participation in Nontraditional Occupational Training and Employment (NTO) 12
NTO Funds Available and Limitations Reminders: #8, Applicants must identify by name and title the NTO Coordinator for this project in the Input to Application section of the proposal 13
(Invitation Only) FY Grant Contact: Tom Heffron Pages of Perkins Grant Guidelines Criminal Offenders Program 14
Questions/Discussion WTCS Grant Contacts MyWTCS Website