Ignite our Direction : Strategic Planning within Chapters
Our time together Inject possibility, curiosity and positivity into chapter planning The practical: Lessons learned Ideas to take home Tools you can apply immediately Interactive session - learn from each other
The wealth of the IABC community
#1 Getting ready Two roles when designing the planning session: Content & Experience
#2 Practical Stuff Research, enviro scan
#2 Practical Stuff Research, enviro scan Definitions
#2 Practical Stuff Research, enviro scan Definitions Templates & worksheets
#2 Practical Stuff Research, enviro scan Definitions Templates & worksheets
#3 Setting the tone The foundation & The invitation
#3 Setting the tone The foundation & The invitation curiosity listening possibility & imagination
#4 Build on the POSITIVE
#4 Build on the Positive Storytelling Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
#4 Build on the Positive Storytelling Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Take care with your questions
#4 Build on the Positive Storytelling Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Take care with your questions SOAR
#4 Build on the Positive Storytelling Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Take care with your questions SOAR Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results
“The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths, making our weaknesses irrelevant.” Peter Drucker
#5 A powerful favourite Open Space Technology (OST) Harrison Owen
#6 The magic of stuff on walls!
#7 At the end of the session Document results … and take a second look
#7 At the end of the session Document results … and take a second look Strategic plan is an evolving, living document… a tool to help your chapter
Thank you! Helga Hein