European Union policies and projects International Business and Development Degree Course University of Parma a.y. 2011/2012 From regional analysis to policy design. Guideliness for the second phase of the project work Alessandro Daraio Guglielmo Wolleb
Learning from best practices European Commission DG Regio provides stakeholders with a wide archive of project examples 1.Regional development projects 2.Policy learning database Other collections of projects have been published in several contexts, i.e. Best LIFE projects European territorial cooperation selection of projects Useful readings Evaluation case studies of a selection of Italian “PIT”case studies OECD – Best practices in local development OECD – Best practices in local development (LEED programme)
Regional development projects Two page description of projects implemented within the context of European regional policy, including all major projects (with over € 50 million budget) Dataset is organized by region and by the following themes: Business support Energy Environment Innovation, research and technological development Rural development Social inclusion, jobs, education and training Tourism and culture Transport Urban development Link to project database
Policy Learning database Short case studies and ex-post evaluation of specific programmes Dataset is searchable by region and by the following themes (further detailed in sub-sectors): Business support Energy Environment Information society Innovation, research and technological development Social inclusion, jobs, education and training Territorial dimension of regional development Tourism and culture Transport Link to database
Template of the project Theme of the project (General description of the project) Place of the project (The choice of the area where the project must be implemented) Actors involved (who must implement the project, who must be involved, what is the distribution of tasks) General goal and specific objectives of the project Specific actions ( the details of the projects, the single things that must be done) Targets to be reached (if feasible) Timing of the project Monitoring, evaluation, indicators