The Pan African Health and Emergency Management system Makane Faye E-Applications Section UN Economic Commission for Africa
Background This application is designed to set up disaster monitoring, evaluation and response management system to dispatch response teams to critical and vulnerable areas in Africa. The system comprises GIS application, with authoritative geodatabase, to support preparedness, planning and operations for security and health emergencies.
Relation to ECA Mandate Serving member states in the area of GeoInformation. Division’s mandate for Biennium and Biennium : S ection EA2/IA2: “Development of geospatial databases for the African node of the United Nations spatial data infrastructure, providing data, standards and GeoInformation applications to member States and showcasing interoperability best practice, Inventory and status of fundamental geospatial datasets in Africa”
Database: Inventory and collection of available health data and information resources Data processing and analysis Data integration in a GIS database Key Deliverables
GIS Database: Base map of Africa Prototype application for Ethiopia Population data Location of Health Facilities Road network Airports and Airbases Location and distribution of health facilities with the road network Key Deliverables, ctd.
Results Using the Network analyst extension which provides online accessibility, functionality and easy navigation: Shows the nearest health facilities from a point Shows directions from a starting to a destination point Shows the best route (shortest route and better road type) to use in case of emergency...etc. Indicates service areas of health facilities
Data migration from ArcGIS© 9.3 to ArcGIS© 10 Identifying focal persons in member States to edit or update attributes online Inclusion of Google Earth© application in the system Trainings and workshops for focal persons on how to use the system Next actions
Current partners: WHO Ministry of Health of Ethiopia Potential partners UNSPIDER OICT Google ??? Partnerships